Update issue please help

Hi good people i have a issue with pws update when i run the script it says there are updates however when i click the download button i get this error

49 Unknown or invalid update request->

any ideas what i am doing wrong?

thank you


I could be that your website is not reachable from the internet and is therefor considered to be a non standard bot.

What is the URL to your website?


I checked the IP, it is also the webhost name of your website

That is a problem with the security code, I will check how to adept that.


thank you for the reply my website is www.myscholes.co.uk i have no issues viewing the webpage so its reachable

Thank you


Sorry, your website is not at www.myscholes.co.uk,
that is a redirector
which redirects to

The update assembler-script gets the returned from your own webhost program inside the request generated by PWS_updates.php

The external name of your website is stored in $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] and reads as

According to the search engines myscholes.co.uk is on another server:
Found over 1000 domains hosted on the same web server as myscholes.co.uk (

The alarm is set for that behaviour URL translate → IP → which runs a redirect → other IP

Give me some time to find a solution.

yes its a redirect the is google domain server from whom i got the www.myscholes.co.uk

and ok sorry for the trouble this has caused is there anything my end that i got set up wrong in my settings that caused this issue?

Thank you


Te website we visit


Should also be visible in our browser. Not an ip address.
If you are running your own webserver, you should setup Apache with the correct name


I tried to add your IP, hope it works now

that worked thank you i will look into the apache settings thank you for the fast response and fix

Thank you


I think you need to figure out how to remove the redirector first. If you tell Apache that your server is called myscholes.co.uk then each time the page changes/is refreshed you’ll end up hitting the redirector. If you have access to the DNS for your domain then you should change the IP address for the ‘www’ host to your 81.150… address then you bypass the redirector.

ok thank you… yes i can remove the redirect and i can change DNS i will look into this and try it… thank you
