Understanding realtimetfp

Finally playing with WDL…
I have a question about how the realtimeftp makes and/or keeps its connection.
The reason I am asking, is that I want to be sure my webhost is OK with this before letting it run.
Bandwidth is not a problem - even counting upload FTP. I have 75Gb of bandwidth available per month - using only about 3% of that now.

But, I would like to explain how the realtimeftp connects.
Is it a permanent ftp connection, or how would I explain it?

Has anyone had any problems with their host if it is a permanent ftp connection?

Any better way to explain it to my host?

Hmm why would you wanna explain it to your host?

The way it works, or what might be important to your host is. The Real Time clientraw upload Client is fired up every so often (think it is every so many seconds). It connects to your host and hunts for the directory you specified.

It uploads the client*.txt files and than terminates it self. It connects like you connect using an FTP client to upload your webpages, only this is faster because all the login details are scripted.

You could see it as a heart beat thingy, that might be the way to explain it to your host. So it does not flutter the line and clogs up bandwith. I would not see it as a permanent FTP connection because it disconnects (resets)

I have an ADSL connection I use for this and works like a dream.


Unless you have a very short timeout on your ftp server, or a very long interval between updates it will stay connected continually. Mine is set for 25 sec updates, it stays connected and only refreshes the connection at the interval set in the restart/reset interval box.

How the ISP reacts is hard to forecast, with some you could run into a limit on the maximum concurrent ftp sessions (because regular ftp will be running at the same time sometimes), and some have been known to point to a vague acceptable use policy (AUP) and object to you having what is effectively a permanent ftp connection.

That would be my main concern Niko -
I am tempted to ask them about it first. What I don’t want is to have my whole site suddenly dissappear because of this if they would consider it misuse.

Here is a short from the beginning of my ftp login-

220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed.
220-Local time is now 19:20. Server port: 21.
220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.

I guess I could just start it, and let it run…

Yep, I think “ask forgiveness not permission” would be good approach :slight_smile:

you can set the length of time between re login in (and restarting too)

So would it be better to set the restart instead of relogin interval at the 5 min interval to initiate a new connection every 5 minutes? I’m just starting to experiment with the realtime ftp myself and had the same questions as snowman.

Restart is the recommended option, there’s a FAQ here http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/10872

Well, I took the plunge and asked my host - was expecting some more questions from them, but…

They said it “shouldn’t be a problem”.

Thanks for the input folks.

[quote author=nikoshepherd

Ah, that was Brian’s recommendation and I guess the reason is that it seems to work well for the most users.

it just give more of a complete reset :wink: