Two items graphed on one display

As this program gets more sophisticated, we keep asking for things we’d like to see.

Here’s mine:

I love the way various pieces of data can be displayed to show how nature works, such as the drop in temp with the passage of a front, or barometer changing, and so on. The “display everything” graph on the wdisplay program clearly shows this. I’ve received many compliments on the clean style of the WDL program’s display, but it only displays one piece of info at a time.

For the “consideration” bin, think of this…

Open up the GRAPH function. The choices for what to graph are currently on a pull-down on the left. Very crisp, cool.

How about taking this as it is, and on the right hand portion, put another pull-down, this time with a second option to graph. Initially it would defualt to NONE, so the clean non-confused graph appears as it does now. Based on which time period was chosen on the left (such as Wind past 24 hours) the right hand graphing choices would be filtered to show only those choices that match, such as the temp for 24 hours, direction for 24 hours, etc. Choosing this second option then graphs both the original item scaled on the left, and the new item, with its matching scale, on the right, with the data points occuring over the same timeline along the bottom. The CLOSE button could be moved to the center between the two pull downs.

Is this an “easy” code, or not?

This would make for a very helpful graph of data to help show how baro, temp, wind, and rain all interact on some of the nicer systems that move through.

Just a thought for the wish list.

Oh, one more… My temp is currently 34.7 F, and the display instrument ranges from 14 to 104. It really doesn’t need to be that expansive, any chance that the scaling on the temp could be more like 40 to 60 degrees rather than 90?

[email protected]

The capability to change the temperature range for the 12 and 24 graphs on the main screen already exist.
Setup> Graph setup > Max Range (12 or 24 graphs only) box
set Maximun temperature range (C) - try about 40, then tick
use Lift/lower temperature line to re-center the graph line
Be careful not to make range to small or you will get a vertical line when the temp goes out of range.
You have the same capability for indoor temperature range - try about 19, then tick
Hope this helps, :smiley:

there are customised auto scale graphs,where you can set which item to plot against another…
now,i will add a set max/min scale on the weather dials temperature gauge (is that where you mean)
also ,this extra graphing, is that on the main screen graphs???

Sorry, I guess I should have been a bit more clear on which of the two issues I was referring to.

First, the main screen one gets when the program first starts is the one I’m referring to with the thermometer displayed, along side the heat index or humindex and the wind chill. You can check out my display at Weather Data -- Peet Station and it is all the way over to the right, labeled “temp.” I don’t think the temperature extremes need to be as great as they are, since the normal variation day to day is usually less than 40degrees, so I would like a less wide range. The little red and blue tick marks for high and low reading are very nice to show the temp variation of that day.

The second part I was referring to for having a double graph is reached this way.

First, start with the screen as it opens up the first time the program runs. I have the big dials across the top, and the rain instruments and the temp, etc. in the middle. Along the bottom of the display are the various buttons on may choose to allow a change in units. The last three buttons are the “graph, records, webcam” buttons.

It is this graph button that I’m referring to to open, which gives me a popup box over the top of the first screen. Here the pick list for what I want graphed is along the left side of the bottom, and the close button is to the right.

Does this help you see where I’d like to have the second drop down selector?

I think this would be neat, so if there is a question on how I’m describing this, please let me know.

you are talking about weather display live
no wonder I am confused
Julain is the author of WDL, and so your Q’s need to be directed at him
this thread should be in the weather display live section of the forum

B L U S H !!

Boy am I embarrassed, I thought I was in that forum. My sincere apologies, and I’m off to the other forum.
