What are the steps/procedures to transfering all my data files to another pc? I know I should copy the entire WD folder, but what else? What about the “registry”? Other files? I’d hate to miss anything and lose my 2 months of data so far! What is the success rate in getting everything transferred?
Try this FAQ…
Worked like a charm for me last week
Darn Bob, beat me to it.
csonni, that procedure is very reliable.
LOL Niko
Well, yeah, I guess 2 minutes 48 seconds isn’t too good really, we need to pick up the pace :lol:
Just got the new PC set up. Questions: Should I install WD first and then copy over the files? Do I copy over just the ones that are missing if I install WD first? Or, should I copy over the files first and then install WD (that doesn’t seem right). Also, do I have to install WD in the default “C Drive” or can I install in in the Programs folder?
Hi again,
As noted in the FAQ, basically you do the backup registry on the old computer, then copy all the files over, to make it as clean as possible it should be placed in the same location as the old was for path reasons… Then you would " find the databackup folder. Find a file called “wdisplayftp” (it will say “registration entries”). Simply double click that file to execute the registry entries."
Then launch WD…
The FAQ really is the way to do it to make it as smooth as possible…
I was under the impression that with Windows you can’t just copy over an application without installing it. So, what you’re saying is not to install WD but just copy over the entire folder? I’m fine with that. It just goes against what little knowledge I have of Windows (I’m a Mac user by nature). Correct me if I have misunderstood you (and the FAQ).
Double clicking the “wdisplayftp” file does the registry part which is basically installing WD on a Windows machine as far as I know…
FWIW, I just did it based exactly on the FAQ on a new machine running Win XP last week, pretty smooth actually, but as with anything I do recommend checking your settings after and also keeping an eye on your site for uploaded files being created and uploaded properly…
You are not actually copying the application over - just all the associated files.
Copy over all the files as per the FAQ, and execute what it says there.
Then, install WD, and run WD - all should be good.
Does the FAQ need an edit to clarify this?
Got ya. Being a Mac user can complicate some of this. I also just realized that I failed to copy that file out of my Windows folder. So, I had to hook up the old pc once again and go network to get it. Thanks!
At least you are lucky enough to have the old machine running -
I went through a nightmare a while back, as it sounds Jaxweather has also.
I know have a double secret double duty double back backup system setup.
Anyway, should I add that to the FAQ (the step about copying the files first, then install and run WD)?
Yes I think that would be a good addition, as though it may seem like a simple and unspoken type of deal to some, to others it may not…
After writing and tweaking and revisiting FAQs for a web host provider for over 5 years, you cannot make it too simple, trust me
There is still something not quite clear. Below is the quote from the instructions:
“On the new computer, look in C:\wdisplay\databackup for “wdisplayini” (it will say “configuration files”). Move that file from the databackup to the C:\windows folder.”
There is no “wdisplayini” in the wdisplay folder. Rather, it is in the Windows folder (I don’t see anything about “configuration files”). Correct me if I am wrong. Do I just copy the “wdisplayini” from the Windows folder on my old pc (98) to the Windows folder on my new pc (XP)? If so, the instructions don’t make that quite clear.
it should be in the databackup folder, maybe you missed that point (if you did the data backup on the old pc)
but otherwise yes just copy from the windows folder to the windows folder (note that sometimes windows 2000 sets itself up in c:\winnt
Did you do the “action, backup registry entry” part? on the old computer?
That should create a “wdisplay.ini” file in the data backup folder…
Okay, here is what I have in the back up folder. "wdisplay (no ini after it) and in light text I see “configuration settings”. Is that the file? But, what about the “wdisplayini” file in the Windows folder? What one do I actually use?
you have your windows folder set to hide known file extensions, and so its not showing the .ini file extension of the wdisplay.ini
a commen windows user error
Use either one as they are the same.
When you did the backup bit, it put the same file into the backup folder.
Yes, that is the correct one.
Just drag it onto the new machine in the same place.
If you want to see the file extensions…
While viewing the files, in the menu bar hit “Tools” > “Folder Options” then the “View” tab.
About half way down the list, un-check “Hide extensions for know file types”
You will now be able to view the extensions if you want to be sure.