This is a fine mess

Not sure what happened here, but since it is very near end of the month reports… I see that the noaa data reports have disappeared when I went to version x . I went to the backup and reloaded the logs but the noaa monthly reports are gone. I have not a clue what happened or why, but it seems something totaled the data logs and files. I only have data back to the 27th.

Maybe I shouldn’t have mooned Mom Nature ?

Running version y here and seems okay. Is this the screen you’re talking about?

yep, that is the culprit. I can generate one via weatherlink with no issue, but I have no idea what or how it dumped that file. something strange.

try 10.19y ardvark
i was working on some things, but that version should be OK
but also check under view, program error log, maybe there is some data wd does not like (which should be able to be fixed ok)

I went to the backup and extracted the things there. the Wdisplay.ini I have to extract, but I’ll download a fresh copy and see what happens. Not sure, but something screwed up the log files. I do have the all time records, they look intact.

I’ll check out how things went in morning. Had only 3 hours sleep last night. couldn’t fall asleep. Rats.

note that if you are using say 3wd.txt
then the wdisplay.ini in the back up will not be correct

it wont be the wdisplay.ini file thats at fault, but the logfile, 112004lg.txt
zip and email me that file so i can check it

I emailed you the files, then looked through until I could find a copy of a complete file and that seems to work for now. somehow that file became corrupted . Probably will never really know.

I guess multiple copies of backup files are a plus here. :oops:

I gotta get to bed, I promised myself that at 12 noon, when I finally hit the wall.

I understand completely. I lost most of my September data but managed to salvage most of the month by getting the comma delimited monthly data file from Wunderground. I now have WD doing backups, and, I am running Weatherlink and have WD in “listen only” mode. I’m a firm believer in redundancy of data :slight_smile: