Tempest Spreadsheet

Found this little gem and thought some of you might find it useful. I used Google sheets but it should also work in Microsoft Excel. (Ref: https://community.weatherflow.com)

Did you know you can get your data of your tempest directly into Excel?

First you need to generate a personal token. Sign in to the Tempest Web App at tempestwx.com , then go to Settings → Data Authorizations → Create Token, then copy that token.

Open a blank new document in Excel. Click on Data (in the menu bar at the top), select (in the top left corner) Get Data → from other sources → from the web
paste the following url in the popup window and use your device id (not your station id!) and the token you just created
https://swd.weatherflow.com/swd/rest/observations/device/<your device id>?day_offset=0&format=csv&token=<your token>
Presto, data is now in Excel. Day_offset=0 returns today’s data collected sofar, Day_offset=1 returns all of yesterday’s data.