Hi Brian,
In the screen shot below notice the temperature comparasion for the “last 24 hours”.
It displays +17.1F even though it is within 5 degrees F of yesterday’s temp at this time. All other data appears to be correct.
I noticed this before just never mentioned it.
I checked November’s .txt log file and it is correct with regards to yesterday’s temperature. I do have a WD temperature offset correction of 2.2F plugged in since my 2310 reads off by that much when above 55F.
Hi Brian,
In the screen shot below notice the temperature comparasion for the "last 24 hours".
It displays +17.1F even though it is within 5 degrees F of yesterday's temp at this time.
I can't see the time on your "Weather Trends" shot. What does your 48 hour graph indicate as the temperature for the time of the trend shot on the days involved?
I downloaded ver 9.96a yesterday and it appeared to be OK till this morning when I am showing a +16F 24 hr trend from yesterday at this time when it is actually about a -13F difference. We are under the back door cold front over the NE coast so the temps have moderated. Also the trend as compared to last month is now blank for all readings.
The .txt log files look OK for October and November.
I did try converting the txt to graph files for this month and last month and it showed “completed” within a second or 2 after pressing the convert button. That seems real fast to walk through a months worth of data (October) and generate a new inf file.
The 72, 48 and 24 hr charts look OK. However the week chart is mostly flat lines as shown below.
ok, your not using a ws2010 data logger, so thats good
wd uses the data from the last 24 hour graph
check that, under view, graph history and see how it looks there
The 24 hr graph from the “view” menu looks good. It displays about 60F yesterday at this time. Right now it is 64F but the 24hr trend is reporting +22F.
However, the realtime graphs (double click from the console) were a mess. It appears that some hours duplicated and others are missing. I should have got a screenshot for you. I cleared the graph history and will let you know what I see after work today.
Maybe a clue :
I recall discussions regarding using the WS2310 clock to adjust the PC clock. I never look at the WS2310 console. It is tucked away behind some books. It may be way off for time/date.
While I am not using the logger is it possible that the time code from the 2310 is adjusting the PC clock ?
I am running a program called NIST Time 32 which adjusts the PC time each hour with an internet time server. I have it running at 10 past the hour so it doesn’t interfere with any WD FTP activities. I have found it to be very accurate. Maybe the wrong time from the 2310 gets input into WD and the NIST program corrects it so I never see the time off on the PC.
Since I appear to be the only user with this problem, let me monitor this for a couple of days and see what happens. Maybe the combination of the change from daylight savings time on Oct 26 and the end of month has WD confused.
The trends are still screwy so I will email the zipped 112003.inf file shortly. Here is what it is showing now and I copied the .inf file at the same time:
according to the monthly .txt file :
yesterday 17:15 11/05 Temp 68.7F Humidity 92% Dew 66.3 Baro 30.029
The temp and baro are close but humidity and dew pt are way off.
There is nothing showing in the program error log.
Something new I discovered. See below.
Recall that this morning I found the real time graph all out of wack so I reset. At 11:45AM during lunch I took a look at it and it seemed OK. However at about 4:55PM when I again looked, notice the barometer drop at 11:45AM (first viewing) and then the correction at 4:55PM (second viewing). Really strange. I didn’t change anything only clicked OK to exit the screen. I realize I am giving you alot of infomation to analyze so take your time.
i found what is wrong with the 24 hour temperature trend
it started when i now dont reset the monthly graph at the start of the month, but keep last months, which is overwritten…
and becuase I was checking for today day in the data, then advancing to same minute and hour, it was actualy finding todays day a month ago…
uploading a new 9.96a now, keep an eye on the file stamp date/time for when its avaialble on the download page (in about 1 hour)
re your month to date graph:
i will check on that…
its ok for me here…
now, this barometer drop out on the real time graph
what was the reading (hpa please, i,.e switch to hpa to see (dont worry you can switch back)), as i may have a problem with the ws2310 code, and i may need to add some debug code so tyou can help me pin point it
The trends look OK today so 9.96a (11/07) appears to have corrected it.
When I looked at the real time graphs to get the hpa values for you, the barometer plot didn’t drop out as it did yesterday.
The hpa readings at yesterday’s barometer drop out were :
1019.6 just before
949.4 during the drop out
1018.3 just after the drop out
Again all I did was view the real time graph. I didn’t change anything yesterday except press OK when finished.
Here is a screen shot of the graph drop plotted as hpa (I removed the wind direction and values for clarity):
I’ll let you know what the month to date graph looks like after midnight.
thats good
there are only a few more bugs left…that i know of
the last newsletter I asked for bugs, and only a 1 i have not had a chance to fix yet (and end of month glithc with the graph for the month)
so things are looking good at the monment!
(and the each email feature i need to get working correct too)
ok, i see the problem
to get the vp forecast text to show, the use the forecast has to be set…
but that then stops the solar updating of the icon
i will add option to show the VP forecast ticker, which will mean it will show regardless