The ‘Weather Products/Services - Suppliers’ forum category and it’s sub-category (Weather Products/Services - Supplier Announcements) have special rules applied to them, i.e.
This is a free service. If it works, that’s great. If it’s broken, please don’t complain. If I choose to withdraw the service, please don’t complain.
The presence of a message from a specific supplier in these categories does not imply any form of approval by anyone associated with It is up to purchasers of products/services from companies posting messages here to ensure that the company meets their requirements for support, delivery charges, availability, quality issues, etc.
The categories are to be used by suppliers of weather related hardware, software or services to draw attention to their companies, their product ranges and any current special offers. The categories are not to be used to announce details of non-weather related products or services. If there is any doubt about whether a product or service is weather related, please confirm that it is permitted by contacting ‘administrator’ by PM prior to posting an announcement about it.
Only authorised users are permitted to post messages in the categories. Please send a PM to ‘administrator’ to be added to the group allowed to post messages. Include details of your company name, the type of products or services you wish to announce in the categories and include a link to your web site if you have one. Where a company wishes to have more than one user with access to the categories, please advise me of all the names required. However, bear in mind that forum permissions mean that other company users will not be able to edit messages created by other staff from their company.
Anyone misusing the categories, i.e. not complying with these rules or other general forum rules, will have their group membership revoked and therefore be unable to post messags in future. Where a company has multiple users who may post, all users for that company will have their group membership revoked.
Sticky messages must not be used.
Suppliers must not comment on messages posted by other suppliers.
Each supplier may post one message in the main (parent) ‘Weather Products/Services - Suppliers’ category. This is one message per supplier, i.e. suppliers with multiple people allowed to post in the categories, may still only post one message for their company.
Each supplier may post up to one new message per week in the ‘Weather Products/Services - Supplier Announcements’ sub-category. This is per supplier. Suppliers with multiple people allowed to post, must still only post one message per week for their company. The sub-category is intended to carry announcements of new products/services or special offers, although these can be announced in the single company message in the main board if the supplier chooses to do so.
Messages in either category may be edited at any time by the person who posted the message.
Messages in the sub-category may be archived 3 months after they were posted or last edited. Messages in the main category will not be archived unless the administrator is advised that the company is no longer trading.
Any questions regarding these categories should be addressed to ‘administrator’ by PM.