Hi Brian,
Could you add a tag like this %sunshinehourstodateday% for the yesterday readings too?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Brian,
Could you add a tag like this %sunshinehourstodateday% for the yesterday readings too?
Thanks a lot!
could you explain a bit more what you mean?
i.e yesterdays total sunshine hours?
Yes, that’s what I mean, the yesterdays total sunhine hours…
will be in use in a new 10.13x beta, uploading now
will be an hour or so and it wil be ready
(it wont be retrospective, it will get reset at midnight)
Great! Thanks again Brian! Your support is much better then those of VWS
VWS people do support each other well on the VWS forum, but the author of VWS is not on the VWS forum to support it, he is too busy for that (he has stated that), but he does work his way through things and requests slowly (as time permits), but, boy, there is a huge wish list that just keeps on getting longer and longer, and haas many feature requests that WD does…I guess becuase people have gone from WD to VWS…I know I lost alot of people to FreeWX !!.
The less people using WD, the less people I have to support I guess.
But I would like to think WD is the best of all the software out there…
who does agree with that?
kohen, you mentioned about the rain totals in vws not working from the data.csv file
well, its a vws bug
see here:
After trawling through the forums it seems that others may have had similar problems but mine is as follows.
Station: WM-918, VWS Pro 12.07 p25
I am presently running a laptop 24/7 to display and log my WM-918. Works perfectly.
But I’m planning to move things around physically, so tried using Stationless mode with two other pc’s on my network for viewing current data, while retaining the laptop as the datalogger. I’ve used either the laptop/data2.csv or direct stationless to the laptop vws directory with the same result.
The remote display/s update correctly except for daily and monthly rain. Total rain is OK
eg, today’s rain of 1mm displays as 0, the monthly rain of 14mm shows as 1mm, the total for the year of 144mm shows as 144mm.
This has a kind of buggy feel to it!
Any ideas anyone?
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Ken Stewart
Lil Cloud
Wx Forecast: +0/-0
[Sunny] [Cloudy]
Posts: 12
I love Ambient!
Re:Stationless: Daily and Monthly rain update.
But I would like to think WD is the best of all the software out there.... who does agree with that?
I do Brian, for me Wd is the best software I’ve found for now. It’s features are great and has plenty of possibilities to adjust all the values, something what other programs like VWD doesn’t support.
I’m planning to stay using WD to get my data from the console and post to the web. A great plus are the tags which support more I ever could imagine!
Keep on doing the good work Brian, for me you are the best and I know you are doing everything you can to make WD better than all the other programs. Those who swiched to VWS will come back, I’m sure of it…
i actualy meant to say, who does agree with that, LOL
(and why not (maybe i can improve that))
lol Now you also know what I think about the WD
Could it be that the most recent version isn’t uploaded yet? The tag is still not recognised by WD.
should work
try 10.13y beta
The tag is recognised now, but it shows 34 hours, is it because the comma isn’t there or is this another problem? I run the version since yesterday.
my tag %sunshineyesterday% shows today 535 hours?!?
i see what the problem is now
i forgot
i actualy store the numbers as minute of sunshine
and so that number should have been divided by 60
my mistake
uploadinga a fix as 10.14i full now