Stupid newbie cannot get steel gauges to render data


I am using a Weatherflow Tempest and sending customclientraw.txt from where it is being acquired up to a hosted website. On that site I have ‘installed’ the current Steel Gauges version (2.7.6) at the same level as the folder in which the data resides. I have changed no file or folder names, so the folder is ‘SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges-master’. Following the Readme.txt file in that folder, I modified the web_server/scripts/gauges.js file to change the weatherProgram value to 1 since the data is coming from a ‘Weather Display’-like device. I have also changed the value of realTimeUrlWD to point to the customclientraw.txt file which is 2 directories up from web_server (i.e., ‘…/…/customclientraw.txt’).

When I load the provided gauges-ss-basic.htm into Chrome I get the gauges but no data, and if I use developer tools there are no complaints in the console (which I can easily get if I use the wrong path for the customclientraw.txt file). I am getting complaints that my customclientraw.txt template needs to be updated but I do not know what that means (I did make the suggested changes to customclientrawlocal.txt file in the weather_server/‘Weather Display’/), but I also do not know why that would preclude displaying data.

Since many people are successfully using Steel Gauges I am hoping that someone has gone through this and knows what blunder I have made. Any help appreciated and sorry if I have not provided ample information. Here is the URL of my attempt:

first try ‘…/wdweather/customclientraw.txt’

OK => Your custom file is correctly found by the jquery-scripts as seen in the “inspect=network” console
OK => The data is correctly formatted as json.

Sadly, the data is rejected in line 2985 of . . /SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges-master/web_server/scripts/gauges.js

                if (data.ver < realtimeVer) {
                    statusScroller.setText('Your ' + config.realTimeURL.substr(config.realTimeURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + ' file template needs updating!');
                    return false;

The script will not process “invalid” aka incomplete data and advices you to update the template file.
Normally the template should be replaced with the latest version.

The cause of the rejection: this version of the gauges needs at least version “14” of the json file, check line 231 of gauges.js

            case 1:
                // Weather Display
                realtimeVer = 14;   // minimum version of the realtime JSON file required

Your upload has version number “12” as reported in the last item of the json file.
Just change that field to “14” in the WD template file, probably your changes did “upgrade” it to “ver 14”.
At least the gauges.js will try to process the file when the is a “14” value in that item.

Another problem could be caused by a wrong date format in the custom file
As the date field contains “month/day/year” change the dateFormat constant to “m/d/y” also in the WD-template file.

Then test again, maybe we find be other problems such as not enough fields in the file, a.s.o.


The first field (“date”) actually contains the time - WD tag %time% or %timesec%. Field “dateFormat” should be left as d/m/y for WD.

Yes, that “dateFormat” field seems not to be used for data-validity checking. :smiley:
Only for “LastRainTipISO” which contains in this upload invalid data either way.

The correct date-time is in “timeUTC” => “2022,02,18,10,18,11” and check in line 2850.

I corrected my post, thanks

I don’t think WD does ISO, it seems to do j/n/Y :slight_smile:

@OP I think the first thing to do is use the ver 14 customclientrawlocal.txt file that comes with the SS gauges 2.7.6 zip. Then see if there are any remaining issues.

Thank you all for the responses. My customclientraw.txt file is being generated by consolewd and cronweatherflowconsole and not by me. I will ask Brian about that since I cannot change the version number on the fly (well, not easily as I would have to run it through sed before transmitting it). Perhaps I could use a version of SteelGauges that requires customclientraw.txt version 12. I’ll look around.

I only changed the template file contents because the Readme said to do it. But I thought I only changed the two fields: %humidexcelcius% → %humidexfaren%, and %cloudheightmeters% → %cloudheightfeet%

But isn’t the customclientraw.txt file is created by WD from the template file supplied with the gauges?

I don’t know if this will help, but when WD is installed on a Windows PC it already includes a file called customclientrawlocal.txt. This is used as a template in a particular folder (wdisplay/webfiles) to generate the customclientraw.txt data file that is uploaded to the server for the gauges.

The template file included with WD may not be the latest version, so it is always best to replace it with a copy of the file provided with the latest SteelSeries Gauges download in, as you said, weather_server/Weather Display. That will be up to date.

I regret I have no idea how this translates to consolewd, if at all.

You do not need to ask Brian. That version number in the last field is a constant-value, not something WeatherDisplay calculates.
It is a simple to solve problem: you are using an outdated version of customclientrawlocal.txt
and maybe
you are updating the wrong file and or in the wrong folder / map.

Also, you have to mentally rename our posts for the filename “customclientrawlocal.txt” as consolewd.exe is using different names .
I, and probably other answering-persons, do not have consolewd.exe running
When we refer to the file to change as “customclientrawlocal.txt” you have to “rename” the file-name to the one consolewd is using

It is somewhere on your Raspberry or Linux box inside the consolewd.exe folder probably with a name ending in .htm
= > consolewd can read that html renamed file,
==> processes it and then upload it as customclientraw.txt

You explained you already modified that .htm or whatever file
=> but when I check the uploaded file . . your webserver. ./wdweather/customclientraw.txt it still
contains the metric values: “humidex”:“14.3” “cloudbasevalue”:“1619”,“cloudbaseunit”:“m”,
Conclusion: You did not modify the correct file in the correct location.

So please make sure that you

  1. Always change the template files on your inhouse computing box, those files need to be where you are running consoleWD.exe
  2. Make sure you copy the most recent “customclientrawlocal.txt” to the correct map/folder on your local computer-box
    2.1 and rename it to the filename consoleWD understands
  3. Make sure that you use version 14 of customclientrawlocal.txt
  4. for now, do not make any changes, first let us try to move the dials without any error messages.

P.S. Thanks to @bitsostring for his observations, I adapted the message

P.S. Always use the latest download for the gauges
= > Download GitHub - mcrossley/SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges: HTML 5 Weather Gauges Templates based the SteelSeries gauges from Han Solo
The downloaded folder “SteelSeries-Weather-Gauges-master” contains the correct files for 5 weather-programs inside folder “weather_server”
You find the customclientrawlocal.txt in the “Weather Display” folder
That file should be inside your weather-program folder on your local computer and renamed so that consoleWd can process that file. (1.44 KB)

Thank you for the comment about the customclientrawlocal.txt file. I was not aware that it is used as a template to construct the customclientraw.txt file. I wasn’t sure how it was used. So I modified the version number in that file on the machine that produces the customclientraw.txt file, it modified the customclientraw.txt file on its next iteration, uploaded to the cloud, and steel gauges is now working!

Thank you all for all the comments and suggestions!


Glad you got them working! But I can’t see them at the URL you posted?

i was supporting Jack via email and did mention about the customclientrawlocal.txt

i will change it to say vers 14 for the next update of WD
but that will not change it for current users, they will need to make that change themselves
but change is only needed if you update your steel gauges version

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