Strange errors using "WU-Reports"

What’s wrong here?

this comes up when I click on the Wundeground report

/Mark H

@ALL Always post the link to your website

  1. It will cost me less time to browse your old topics
  2. More users will check your problem and often another user has had the same problem in the past.

@ALL When having problems first switch on the error reporting which normally is switched off.

  1. Test your website by adding _test.php to the url
  2. Use the PWS_module_test.php script if it is a problem with files:
    third row button “Load-files”
  3. Use a drop-down selection if it is a problem with an individual block

The problem the OP refers to has nothing to do with WU-Reports, but it shows there as default those scripts have error-reporting switched on.

It is a general problem on all pages on the website as the load-files script can not access a folder to store the wu-data.

Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for /var/www/ 
in /var/www/ on line 65

@Mark7000 You have selected

  1. to not use WU for graphs data and
  2. deleted or made inaccessibel the pwsWD/chartswudata/ folder.

Probably if you restore the chartswudata folder the load-files script can store the data.


How do I recover the chartswudata file?

That chartswudata/ is an empty folder from the original download.
If you do not have the .zip any more, download the full version again, unzip at your desktop and upload the empty folder to your website.



But I see it stores data in the PWD/WUcharts folder?

There is a lot of information here on this forum.

  1. Your screenshot lists the foldername , which is “chartsmydata”
  2. That folder is used when you do not want to use your WU-data for the grpahs.
    → You made that selection in easyweather setup.
  3. you want to use the add-on “wureports” scripts
    → those scripts need a folder with another name “chartswudata”
    → the WU downloads for the reports wil be stored in that folder.

Sorry I can not be clearer then this.


I have followed your instruction but it still gives error as you can see?

I see no error-messages when I visit and test it on your website.
I have no idea yet why it is not working at your phone.

I attach a screenshot of the scripts running stand-alone and in the dashboard.
Full error-reporting was set to on in both cases

. . ./pwsWD/_test.php?test=PWS_wureports.php&lang=en-uk#

. . .pwsWD/_test.php?frame=Reports_at_WU&theme=dark&lang=en-uk&units=scandinavia

Try switching to, for example, “season detail” and you will see that the error appears.

  1. There are no errors, there are warnings and notices.
  2. The 3 warning messages signal that the rzerc4d4YMD.txt rzerc4d4YM.txt and rzerc4d4Y.txt are not in the expected folder.
    PLeaze check in your FTP program if them folder settings (and the contents) are correct.
  3. There are multiple notices about missing items in your file downloaded from WeatherLink. As they are notices the are irrelavent and can be ignored.

I will take a look later today / tomorrow why the notices appear by checking your downloaded data.

You will have to make sure that tyhe scripts can access the pwsWD/chartswudata/ folder


<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  filemtime() [<a href=''>function.filemtime</a>]: 
        stat failed for /var/www/ in 
        <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>65</b><br />
        <br />
<b>Warning</b>:  filemtime() [<a href=''>function.filemtime</a>]: 
        stat failed for /var/www/ in 
        <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>65</b><br />
        <br />
<b>Warning</b>:  filemtime() [<a href=''>function.filemtime</a>]: 
        stat failed for /var/www/ in 
        <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>65</b><br />
        <br />

<b>Warning</b>:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/ 
        in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>101</b><br />

<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_ten_min_gust_mph in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1149</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_ten_min_avg_mph in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1150</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_degrees in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1157</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: windchill_f in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1192</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: windchill_day_low_f in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1193</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: windchill_day_low_time in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1194</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_mph in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1280</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_ten_min_avg_mph in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1281</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_ten_min_gust_mph in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1282</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: wind_degrees in <b>/var/www/</b> on line <b>1306</b><br />

Weatherlink .com is not reporting any windspeed for your station.
Only the month HL values are there, check yourself.

Probably your startion wind-sensor failed.

No thanks for wasting my time.

P.S. At 09:30 UTC this is the data for your station:

[credit] => Davis Instruments Corp.
[credit_URL] =>
[disclaimer_url] =>
[copyright_url] =>
[dewpoint_c] => 10.0
[dewpoint_f] => 50.0
[dewpoint_string] => 50.0 F (10.0 C)
[heat_index_c] => 12.2
[heat_index_f] => 54.0
[heat_index_string] => 54.0 F (12.2 C)
[location] => Fredericia, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark
[latitude] => 55.5648658
[longitude] => 9.7634854
[observation_time] => Last Updated on Oct 21 2024, 11:19 am CEST
[observation_time_rfc822] => Mon, 21 Oct 2024 11:19:40 +0200
[pressure_in] => 30.041
[pressure_mb] => 1017.3
[pressure_string] => 1017.3 mb
[relative_humidity] => 88
[station_id] => Vejretfredericia
[temp_c] => 12.1
[temp_f] => 53.7
[temperature_string] => 53.7 F (12.1 C)
[davis_current_observation] => Array
[station_name] => Fredericia, Kongensgade
[observation_age] => 85
[dewpoint_day_high_f] => 53
[uv_index_month_high] => 5.8
[uv_index_year_high] => 6.3
[wind_month_high_mph] => 48.0
[wind_year_high_mph] => 48.0
[windchill_month_low_f] => 41
[windchill_year_low_f] => 22

And a screenshot with all the data if the problem is intermittent