Storm warning

Hi Brian,

Could you add a feature that when the barometric pressure falls for more than 2hPa/hr (or whatever the user chooses) a text and/or icon will be displayed for a possible stormweather? If possible you may add a tag too which the user can fill in with the text he wants when the warning becomes active. Most weather stations has this feature so I tought it would be a handy feature :slight_smile:



there is a tag where you can add warnings
its linked to the warning text you type in and set under inputdaily weather
and there is the pressure change in an hour warning in the weather warning setup…and maybe have people sign up for a mail out?

Ok, but what I mean is that a predifined warning text is displayed when this event occures. When I add something in the Warning box under Input Daily Weather it is directly displayed.

that could be done…i will add it to the list

Thanks! Great!