Storm Éowyn - Hope everyone is OK!

I hope everyone is surviving Storm Éowyn without injury or damage. Nothing serious here, just a few things blowing round in the garden. We saw a small tree uprooted whilst we were out earlier, but haven’t seen any bigger trees blown over like in the last storm. I’m sure there will have been some though.

I also now have a better idea of how much difference a suburban environment makes to wind speed measurement. The local lifeboat station is about a mile to my west, on the sea-front (it would be a bit weird to have it a mile inland!) They have a Davis VP2 that uploads to WeatherLink Live so it’s interesting to compare readings. Their peak wind speed today (so far) is 114km/h and mine is just 80km/h.

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52.9 mph (85.1 km/h) so far, but red warning lasts until 1700, amber until 2100 and yellow until midnight. . . A few wheelie bins have gone walkabout, but that’s about it here. I’m not going out to check further afield :wink:

I wouldn’t have gone far but our teenager was scared of blowing away on the way to school and the farm shop had pig legs, trotters and pork belly in stock that needed to be purchased!

Oh look. . . the yellow warning for wind now runs until 1500 tomorrow, and we have a yellow warning for snow/ice from midnight to 1100.

I am watching you guys and hoping the best for you. Here in my forest that would be a disaster as it would bring down lots of trees and i would be days without power.
Stay safe.

We had 48.8 mph gust at 05:21 this morning with a min pressure of 993mb. No damage so got away with it unlike Ireland and Scotland.


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Serendipitously, we had the two highest trees in the garden reduced in height last Friday. . .

I meant to add earlier that the barometer here fell 30 hPa in less than 12 hours. . . I don’t know what happened in the centre of the low, about 160 miles north.

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I don’t think that option was available to the Royal Botanic Garden:

Storm Éowyn: Gardens staff ‘devastated’ at loss of Edinburgh’s tallest tree - BBC News