Steelseries Gauges for WD

Can anyone tell me what the red shaded segments at the upper & lower limits of the hPa pressure scale are for?





Can you sent me the fix? Or tell me what the fix is?
I’ve heared the same problem from others. On my page the data on the top is refreshing faster as those from the gauges.

And i can add it to the download on my page.


Here it is Jacco,

It happens when the customclientraw.txt file is zero length - presumably it is being updated on the server. To fix this change gauges.js line 676 from:

            cumulus = JSON.parse(objXML.responseText);

            try {
                cumulus = JSON.parse(objXML.responseText);
            } catch(e) {}

BTW, the word “try” is actually part of the code.


About your baro, well must say the script does work correct.
The scale is made of the lowest (pressL in ccr) and highest baro ever (pressH in ccr) from your station.

Here is a part of your customclientraw:


So according to your ccr your scale goes from 0.000 - 30.705

Options to solve: correct the data in WD, or put your lowest data in pressL.

Thanks, Yes of course, how faster the upload and update, the more chance you have that the file is just written to the server and the script can’t open it.
Probably Cumulus isn’t that fast :lol:


Thanks Jacco :D. I fixed the pressure in WD, so the scaling is much better. Now to try and fix the scaling on the temperature. I have changed the minMeasuredValueVisible, and the max of one but no change is made to the scale.


The minMeasuredValueVisible is not for the scale, what i see in the script:

function doFirst() {
if (cumulus.tempunit.indexOf(‘F’) !== -1) {
g_temp.minValue = 30;
g_temp.maxValue = 100;
g_temp.value = 30;
g_temp.sections = createTempSections(30, false);

I guess that is your starting scale, and depending on your values, the scale changes. Maybe you changed to much in the function doTemp?


Changed the above code but no change. Still updating about every30 seconds. So I watched my customclientraw.txt update on my server and see that its only updating about only every 20 seconds. I used the default settings in WD which show a 5 second update. Suggestions anyone?



That code only fixes a problem, to have the gauges script check your client raw more often check this in gauges.js…

var g_count                 = 4;   //download data counter (secs, default 60)

as you can see mine is set to 4 seconds. As for WD mine is every 3 seconds, make sure you don’t have a conflicting setting in Internet File Creation maybe?

Thanks for the reply.
Yes I understand the setting. I have mine set at 10 seconds. I was really searching to an answer as to why my custonclientraw is only updating every 20-30 seconds. Maybe I have something set up wrong in WD?

Edit: The only thing I have set up is below. Nothing in Internet File Creation?


If your server supports file rename,make sure to use that


I noticed the temp max and min arrows behave differently than the wind max arrow. The max arrow on the temp gauge is for the current browsing session and not the days max. Is there any way to have the arrows show the max/min for the day?




I’d also be interested to know how much data this would use, when left running on my mobile for example?



I don’t understand what you mean with for the browsing session. You mean the red and blue arrows on your site in the temp gauge?
Because the pink area shows the low-high area for the day.

Do you want this?


Those are the lowest and highest baro records ever for your site. 982.3 and 1043.8.
So if the pointer is in the red parts, you have a new record :smiley:


Hi Jacco,

Yes, just like your site. For some reason my low/blue arrow does not move.


On line 320/321

Change to:
minMeasuredValueVisible : true,
maxMeasuredValueVisible : true,

After line 340: add

And finally after line 928: add

To much options in these gauges :smiley:


To much options in these gauges
You mean there are more!? 8O

Perfect, that is exactly what I was looking for!



It’s cobbled together, but I was trying to get the temp to display the feels like temp
underneath the word Temperature instead of

Hey Tony,

You solved that in a very creative way!

I would never have thought at that, i just would have used an extra tag in the ccr for example: solardescription=“%Currentsolardescription%”, in the script you could have called it with cumulus.solardescription.


Hi Brian, I am unable to get the custom clientraw to work - the update and upload times will not hold, always going back to zero and the file never gets created.

Has anyone had success using the mac version b 95? Thanks,

Screen shot 2012-02-12 at 3.14.40 PM.png

that will be a problem with those spin adjuster max/min values
(problem occured after a compiler update)
I will fix that
but you could also try setting those parameter directly in the wdisplayftpini file
create custom clientraw update rate=
create custom clientraw upload rate=