Those pages you’ve created are beautiful! When you’ve figured out how to implement the graphs properly, would you be kind enough to write a tutorial here, for web novices like me?
Those pages you’ve created are beautiful! When you’ve figured out how to implement the graphs properly, would you be kind enough to write a tutorial here, for web novices like me?
Thanks Guys. I’m getting there. http://cnyweather.com/gauges-ssT.htm
Barometer is updating in inches but the gauge shows in hPa
In the clientrawlocal.txt change hPa to in, the units are hardcoded
Starting to get the graphs working with jpgraphs and as Jacco stated using wxgraphs. A good tutoral for wxgraphs can be found here How to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs.
My gauges are a heavenly modded version of theese same steel gauges
Biggest issue with theese are, what have been pointed here too, that they will not work in IE’s below 9 (FF/Chrome are OK).
There are no way around that (tryed to found while i did my own ones without luck).
Yes, html5 are cool, but, so long a pretty big precent of the visitors use old IE’s (50% of all IE-users on my site use IE < 9), thanks to that XP-users are stuck on IE8, will it be a “problem”, have system what works also in IE8 or create 2 different pages shown depending on browser. Sigh…
After much playing i went to a version where i used my old gauges as base wich works also in older IE’s and copyed only needles etc codes from theese new gauges. No rocketsience inside, just plain canvas-code so its easy to copy once figure out how it works. As backgrounds i used screenshots of the generated gauges without needles/numbers. As result i got new gauges what works also in older IE’s
Depends on what you find an big issue Henkka.
If you have for example an ipad, and you go to youtube, you are also directed to a page optimized for ipad.
At the moment is is impossible to be compatible with all users, so then you have to make a choice.
Keep your website “old-fashioned” to satisfy all your users, or make a website with the latest technology,
and create a fallback for the ie8 xp users. Well then for me it is a very easy choice.
There will be xp users for ever, xp is almost 11 years old and end of life. Remember those days where in the
footer of a website it said: This page is optimized for Internet Explorer 7!
W7 is so much better than XP in my humble opinion anyway
(and it works just fine on an older pc that was running XP (just done that here OK))
Have you experienced any issues with the download of customclientraw stopping? I seem to have the issue even with bumping the default times up in gauges.js. I notice it on both the default gauges page and my website. There appears to be no issues with customclientraw being uploaded and or stopping however a qustion for Brian; What is the optimal setting for the second realtime FTP times so that there are no conflicts yet it load quickly?
you should not need to be needint to use the 2nd real time though?
Depends on what you find an big issue Henkka.Yes, but i look at the things in little bigger view than just myself (I use W7), I see in "vistors of the site"-view. Actually about 45% are IE-users of wich 50% use older versions than IE9. Thats quite a part of all visitors. And this in a country where IE<9 user-rate are low, in middle of Europe are the rate far bigger.
Its also a managing thing, if you want to do doublettes of everything instead of creating a page what works also in IE8 (i don’t care about IE<8 ), and then do double work, its your choise. I have many times allready said IE should be forbidden by law, its a pain in **** for coders with my own scripts, but have tryed to have them as IE8-compatible as possbile alltought as so many of visitors still use it.
Personally i should use much more HTML5 and all its cool stuffs if just more browsers should support it.
Keep your website "old-fashioned" to satisfy all your usersCan you call my site old-fashioned?? I should say no, and it still (almost) IE8-compatible. :) Its more a question how you as coder tackle the IE8-probleme than nothing else. At the end, those gauges are fully possible to get working also with IE8 and lower if wanted, its just question to be creative and learn the basics of . And before you ask, Google is your friend in that case, so i learned it too :D
I’ve created a homepage with the new dials. If an IE browser less than 9 is used it will redirect to my original homepage. According to my stats that will be 21%.
Who will be the wiz and make a Solar Guage for those who dont have UV?
I don’t want an discussion because thats not worth for me.
At first i am not the creator of the script. I just found a way to make it work in WD, thats all.
And for me it is no issue because i just redirect the ie8 users to my old page.
With “old-fashioned” i mean that you dont allow the users of modern browsers to take full advantage of their browsers.
And at last, in your first post you said: There are no way around that (tryed to found while i did my own ones without luck).
And in your second one: At the end, those gauges are fully possible to get working also with IE8 and lower if wanted.
So help us make those gauges work in every browser! ahhh you meant your own gauges, sorry english is not my native language,
thanks Jim for letting me realize that.
I made the gauge Tony, pfff but how to explain it to you… hmm you have to edit gauges.js on several places.
What i did, took the temp gauge as an example… see where that code appears in the script.
Then copied the code and replace by solar, in customclientraw there are already the solartags
Henkka explained what he did and he has them available on his site at http://www.nordicweather.net/phpscripts.php?en if you’d like to look them over.
Some of my gauges are not working and the digital displays are ready “MAM”. What does this mean?
You have the units checked for your customclientraw.txt.
If you have a problem with units in your customclientraw.txt, in WD in the webfiles/web page setup, custom web page setup, untick the include units.
Thanks, that worked.
I gave this a try without luck. Is there a place I can see exactly what you did. I feel I am missing something important
Just an FYI it is very easy to change the colors and styles of the gauge. Go to this site and you can try various combinations!
Then just change the settings you wish to in gauges.js