Up to 1.6.5 earlier with no apparent problems.
Thanks, Mark (and windy).
Up to 1.6.5 earlier with no apparent problems.
Thanks, Mark (and windy).
use a new .zip update re those tag problems
I have had no problems whatsoever updating to 1.6.5 with the latest WD Build 20.
Same for me. Unzipped, edited as needed, uploaded as needed, and it all worked as advertised.
Likewise. Thanks, Mark and Brian!
Brian, years ago I asked you, whenever a new tags was added to WD, that a default value be added to that new tags when processed by WD - what I meant then and what I mean now is that a new tag be assigned a zero value when the tag is to contain a numeric value, a 00:00:00 value when the tag is to contain a time value, and a beginning of the month value when the tag is to contain a date value.
With this concept in mind, whenever a new tags is added and processed by WD, that new tag will have a default value in the format assigned to that tag (ie: numeric, text, date, etc). This will also prevent ‘undefined value’ errors in PHP scripts.
Just a (renewed) suggestion…
Need some help on merging the radar stuff into 1.6.5. I plopped gauge.js into gauges.js at the very end, am calling the additional scripts, and have added a line in the HTML. I get all the other gauges, but just a blank space for the radar.
what shows for that data used by the wind direction radar (i.e via the %windRoseData% in the customclientraw
Added to customclientrawlocal…
…but in customclientraw it comes out as…
No data.
Thanks, Brian.
and not
Was just following your reply above… :roll:
Made the change and I now have data in customclientraw (thank you). However, still no gauge.
Thank you very much for all the great work.
I have attached Danish translation to version 1-6-5 - maybe it can be included in comming releases?
Best regards,
gauges.-ss_v1-6-5_Danish.txt (6.11 KB)
Hi John, I’m afraid that needs quite a bit of sorting out.
The radar code needs to be split into two main sections, initialisation code which creates all the buffers, and a doRadar() function that assembles the gauge each time the data is updated. I don’t think I’ll have time to look at this today, so it may be a while before I can make any concrete suggestions.
Made some adjustments to the standard solar gauge:
Added the solar description in the gauge instead of the units, added the total kw for today, this month and this year.
Changed the area to an section, with different colors for every solar threshold.
But having problems with the %Currentsolardescriptionalways% tag. For some reason the tag adds a comma right after the description,
and because of that it breaks the script. No idea why there is a comma there.
The tag %Currentsolardescription% works fine.
Nice work Jacco, I like you styling changes. Have you tried altering the z-order of the popups to try and get them to appear on top of your side bar? Or are the gauges in a frame?
Edit: I also like your site template, is it available publicly?
As i was lazy i used an iframe, but i’ve now included the script and indeed it looks better.
The template is a commercial one which i adjusted to my needs.
Hi guys,
i’ve tried to install this script but i don’t see any gauges
Prabably there is some wrong path in gauge.js.
I’ve set it:
<script src="./scripts/tween.min.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/language.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/steelseries.min.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/gauges.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/ddimgtooltip.min.js"></script>
Link: http://www.meteocarmignano.it/gauges-ssT-it.htm
Opsss…other question. How to insert gauges in the Saratoga php template-page?
You have set the language to Italian…
But there is no Italian in “languages.js” !
You need to copy one of the existing ones and translate it. For the time being change to one of the languages that does exist to test your page
Thanks Henrik, I will do that.
PS: Could you provide a translation of the standard template HTML page too?
I’ve done…english language it’s ok for now.
I’ll do my italian translation when i’ve installed the script
Link: http://www.meteocarmignano.it/gauges-ssT.htm
I don’t know if i shoud edit something in WD…i’ve no data into the gauges