Steel gauges and weather display

Greetings to everyone, I’m a new user of the site, I’m using WD with an ecowitt GW1100 weather station,
I’ve installed the steel gauges for some time, but the graphs never worked when I hovered over the indicators
with the mouse, and I didn’t the scrolling text doesn’t even work, the scrolling text only works when the
station goes out of order, lately the provider blocks my IP because it tells me that the page refers to files
that it can’t find on the web page, files are named: temp+hum_24hr.php, temp+dew+hum_1hr.php and other php files,
giving me a 404 error.
Is there anyone who can help me fix the indicators? Thanks in advance to anyone who will be able to help me.

For the graphs, see How to setup jpgraphs and wxgraphs. Note that this post is very old, and the latest version of JpGraph is 4.4.2 (I think). Follow the instructions in the ReadMe.txt in the wxgraphs download. You specify the graphs that you want to display in SS gauges.js

I’m afraid I cannot help with the scrolling text, I have forgotten what it is meant to show. I have customised my version.

Can you give us the URL of your page?

Thanks, I’ll try to see what I can do because I’m not very computer literate.

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Meantime, you can stop the gauges requesting the graph files by editing the gauges.js file. Line 55 (depending on version), and change

showPopupGraphs    : true,


showPopupGraphs    : false,
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Also change the line below - mobileShowGraphs - to false as well!

OK, let’s see if we can make it any easier.

  1. Go to the JPGraph home page and download the latest version. Upload the whole folder to your server as …/jpgraph-4.4.2

  2. Go to Broadstairs’ home page to download the file.

  3. Unzip wxgraphs and follow the ReadMe.txt file. When editing graphsconf.php in the wxgraphs folder:

    a) make sure these two lines point to the correct folders:
    $hostloc = “${WEBROOT}/”; //must have trailing slash
    $jploc = “${WEBROOT}/jpgraph-4.4.2/src/”; //must have trailing slash

    b) Make any necessary changes to reflect the units you want to use. Directions are in the graphsconf.php file.

  4. Upload the wxgraphs folder to your web server.

  5. If you want to use Arial, upload arialbd.ttf and arial.ttf from your C:\windows\fonts folder to …/jpgraph-4.4.2/src/fonts on the web server.

  6. Edit graphs.js around line 233 to select the graphs you want to show for each gauge. You may need to alter the aspect ratio, as shown around line 251.

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