I upgraded to windows 10 and startwatch don
I upgraded to windows 10 and startwatch don
I use System Scheduler Pro to start Startwatch in Windows 8.1. You can use the free version. It is a great program.
Hello at all:
After trying in various Windows operating systems I have come to the conclusion that in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 if you put the startwatch administrator privileges is that this program does not start. If I remove privileges administrator the program starts perfectly.
I just upgraded to Windows 10 and faced this issue.
You could have StartWatch run without Admin rights and it would be ok. However I also use it to start and monitor Blue Iris webcam software where I need that to run as Admin hence I need StartWatch to run as Admin.
The problem is that Windows will now not autostart an App with Admin rights, it is not just StartWatch.
The workaround is to setup a Windows Scheduled Task that launches the app with elevated privileges at logon.
yes, WD has the same issue, if set to run as admin on windows 10
(which if it is installed to c:\wdisplay then its OK to not run as admin)
but setting a windows scheduled task is another way of getting WD to start with windows on W10
I’ve been using a windows scheduled task for quite while. Mine includes a delay to ensure the PC has all its ducks in a row before WD starts.
maybe I could do a youtube video on how to use windows scheduled task…
problem is, I have not actually done that before myself 8O
That would be a good idea, it’s not exactly user friendly :lol: I’ll make some screenshots of my setup.
Any chance you can make those screen shots? I could use the help! Thanks
I have created a youtube video (with Niko’s help)
Great! Looking forward to it going live.
The video? That’s on the list of videos on the WD site. As of today it’s a few from the bottom but the list is growing fast
Thanks Niko! Somehow I had missed that page. Looks like there are a number of videos there I should watch.
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