Solar 962W/M2 but there is nothing in the graphic, uv shows but not solar

Looks ok to me.
965 W/m2
Bar is all yellow.

Looks OK to me, now, but it did not earlier. . . cache problem?

It was empty earlier but I didn’t get a chance to look any deeper into it. It’s possible that the percentage value was incorrect or missing in the clientraw file at the time and it’s now correct/present again. No easy way to check that out now, but if it happens again look to see if the solar percentage value is correct to see whether it’s possibly a WD/upload issue or a FreshWDL issue.

962w/sm just after noon and no graph

Have you looked at the clientraw data when the graph is empty, e.g. look at it using WD Clientraw parser and see what the value is at position 34? If that’s zero then it looks like clientraw might have bad data in it. If it as a value then it’s probably FreshWDL doing the wrong thing.

at 12:27 pm it went from 0 graph to 100% 995 w/m2 I’ve never seen it in between, it is either 0 or 100%. UV works and the other gauges work just an issue with the solar.

I think we would need to see a screenshot of the settings for your solar setup. WD is seeing the correct reading from the sensor but is not correctly working out the percentage value depending on time of day, latitude/longitude.

yes, this sounds like a problem with the solar settings in WD, in the solar setup, max solar for lat/long
post a screen shot of that

solor setup

at 5:12 PM it was showing 40% 383 w/m2, sun hours 3?? in the day?

In the first solar setup screen you have the time zone set to zero i.e GMT. Try changing that to your time zone number of hours.

yes, that is the problem
is you live in the usa, then it will be something like 8 hours?

Wd knows what time from the computer and my lat/long so why does it need that? 02:40 AM, 09:40 UTC/GMT, Night, 7 hours no dst. I changed it so I will see tomorrow. For a change WD let me get in the settings, change something and click ok with out going unresposive. I stay out of the settings as much as possible becuse it freezes up 99% of the time…

Time zones don’t line up exactly along lines of longitude. For example, if they did then a small part of Eastern England would be a different time zone than the rest of the country. I suspect that in the US time zones follow state boundary lines rather than the longitude, so it’s difficult to see how software could be 100% sure of the time zone your computer is in.

it worked today, was a bit light overcast so never saw it over 92%.