Solar & UV 'Gizmo'


Would be nice to have 2 new gizmo’s:
Solar Hours today
UV rate - today.

I’ve gone through the current WD output and didn’t see anything for either solar or UV.


I would stand in line to get one of these also. :wink:

do you mean as individual gizmos?
also, uv rate…or the current UV?
losmon…i thought you only had a wmr968?

Yes, on the individual gizmo’s. Current UV rate.

I did up until earlier this year when I switched over to Davis VP. I like it a lot better.

i have added gizmosolar.gif and gizmouv.gif
to a new 10.13x
ready now


how about a gizmo that predicts the outcome of the next US election?

Great!! Thanks for your usual great service…

Hope all is going ok with your father…

so where do I find the uv/solar gizmo. I find the others.

Did you download his latest version 10.13X?

If so, they should be in your ‘webfiles’ directory as that is where I have found mine.

V 12. July 04 - 231947 hr is the one I have now. I’ll look for it again. Maybe something didn’t unload.

try downloading it again ardvark

OK, I see the new version. and it formed the gifs, took a while but they are there. I think before I turn in for the night to upload them on the site.

We are due for a thunderstorm tonight, its on the radar, might just miss us, but it is sure miserable outside for this time of the night heat index of 86 AT 1:32 AM. My mom used to cry for people without fans and breezes on nights like this. We had one airconditioner, in my room because of my allergies, yet, she used to worry about strangers with out cooling. Hmm