Solar Eclipse date question

In looking at the testtags file and in the wxastronomy.php web view, the $suneclipse tag is showing “$suneclipse = ‘March 29 2025 05:19:12 84%’; // Next sun eclipse”.
Why is it not picking up the one this Monday April 8th?


Good question. I have no idea where WD obtains this info.

I assume it shows eclipses for your area, so are you sure you have your coordinates correct?

I don’t think lay/long plays a part but I could be wrong. I am in the path of totality and mine reads the same as the op.

I believe so. I checked them again. I’m in NH 15mi West of Mt Washington. Also the Sunrise/sunset and other data like that is fine. My site
Need to put index.php or you get the old site.

The second panel (moondetail2.gif) credits Andreas Hörstemeier, so I presume he wrote the script for Brian. . .

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