solar and UV minimums?

On the HTML page that is generated by WD with the statistics (#2 I beleive) it shows entries for UV and Solar minimums. Since this will always be zero (unless I am missing something), would it not be better to get rid of both of them and use the two spaces for something more meaningful?



Is this the stat’s that you’re referring too?

or does it now look like this image:

hi tom
where eactly is that data?
(ht eprogram does so much i sometimes forget where and what it does!)

It’s in the datahtm1.txt file.


hi tom where eactly is that data? :) (ht eprogram does so much i sometimes forget where and what it does!) thanks

whats your web page please tom

whats your web page please tom

ok, i seee now
what do ya reckon we could put there instead?

Hmmm… A few thoughts:

Total rainfall (and perhaps end date) for the most recent storm

Wind run (since selecting that on the summary page wipes out the solar and UV labels above the windspeed indicator dial).

I’m sure others can come up with a lot more!

By the way, I also noticed that the trailing parenthesis is missing from all the “(since 0 hour” labels in that same area…


ok, i seee now what do ya reckon we could put there instead?

I don’t know if you actually made any changes in this on 9.16 but the display of the data1htm.txt data is now somewhat broken.

If you look at my page at Http:// you’ll see what I mean with the UV and solar numbers. They are weirdly displayed and formatted now, where they were always fine before. Also, the trailing parenthesis is missing on all the “(since 0 hour” tags…


How do you get the solar to show up instead of humitemp?

yes i did change it,
you did want the mimum uv…
but i will fix it up :slight_smile:

i see you must have set up the summary image to not have the moon as separate image…and the default ioc is still visible, and the moon words nweed to go a bit lower
export and email me your wdisplayftp.ini file from the registry

and i will fix it up

  1. It appears that what happened was that you removed the minimum UV but not the minimum Solar. Thus, the formatting is now weird with maximum UV displaying all on a line by itself in bold with the numbers run-on at the end of the line. Also, the trailing parenthesus is missing on the all the “(since 0 hour” labels. This is in the data1htm.txt generated table. Look at and you’ll see what I mean.

  2. How does one setup the summary image to have the moon as a seperate image as you mentioned? I can’t find that in the setup screens.
    If they will display side by side where the one image is currently, that would be nice. What happens during the day when there is no moon?

  3. One other thing: When it is clearly night time (you know this from the time of day and/or the sunrise/sunset times), perhaps the “Current Sky” field should say “Night Time” rather than “night or fog/dust…”



yes i did change it,,, you did want the mimum uv... but i will fix it up :)

i see you must have set up the summary image to not have the moon as separate image…and the default ioc is still visible, and the moon words nweed to go a bit lower
export and email me your wdisplayftp.ini file from the registry

and i will fix it up

setup, summary image setup
tick have the sun moon as a separate image

i did do a test of the UV thing tom, and i couldnt duplicate what you see, but i will retry…

text…yeah, good idea

If you look at my weather page toward the bottom of the text summary page just below the scrolling forecast, you’ll see that Minimum Solar is still there (it should be gone), that Maximum UV is on a line by itself and in bold, and that the trailing parenthesis is missing on all the “since 0 hour” labels. I am using IE 6.0, does it look different on your browser?



P.S. I checked the seperate sun/moon icons box. Thanks!

setup, summary image setup tick have the sun moon as a separate image

i did do a test of the UV thing tom, and i couldnt duplicate what you see, but i will retry…

text…yeah, good idea

try a new 9.18a now

Alas, it is still broken…


try a new 9.18a now

try vers 9.18b when its there…

It looks great now, Brian! Thanks!


P.S. Any thought to what use you want to put those two old fields? I’d vote for days since last storm and wind run.

try vers 9.18b when its there....

hi tcimpides,

saw your website mainscreen

What’s that:
Animated Status Report of weather station for the last 5 minutes:

a feature from Brian or own homemade work ?
like it ! :idea:

oh, and is’t the same for alltimerecords.htm
soil max and soil min is always 67,8 C and - 18,2C (at mine !)

to use for max windspeed in Beaufort and how long it appears, Brian ?