Simple problem

Page working Great! I would like to know how to tie links. I have on my page links to graphs, 24,48,72 hour. When I click it goes to Adelphia links not found page. I know it is in the setup, I would appreciate any help. Not A great problem but would like to solve. Thanks.


control panel…

webfiles/webpages (guy digging in yellow)…

about 2/3s down the page “Upload 24/48 and 72 hr graphs”…

Tick it.

Thanks I learn more every day. I have tried to upload my gifs that I have photographed and they do not show up on my page. Eventually I will learn everything I need to know to make my page look like I want it to. I have put pictures on the web on other pages, but I tried to upload as web cam images and they will not appear on my page. Thanks to my friends out there I will learn how on WD.