I do not want to show the links to the 24/48/72 hour graphs, yet even though I have not ticked any of the buttons to show these graphs, as soon as I untick it in the setup/main connections icon and save when I return to this screen the box is ticked again.
Also how do I get to show the All time records page with the standrard web page setup.
And lastly I can upload the clientraw file but the clientrawextra does not ftp in WDL… It is only the trial version… is this why?
i justs tried, and it remember the setting to be off for me, after clicking on OK
amybe check under view, program error log, as there is most likely an error there reported, and let me know
re alltimerecords.gif
add some html code to say the datahtm3.txt file to show it on the web site
i.e like:
<img src="alltimerecord.gif" align="absbottom"
<img src="alltimerecordmonth.gif" align="absbottom"
Thanks for the reply,
The line will only stay ticked if I press save now on the connections tab, then OK, If I go back Web File/Web Page then return to FTP/Internet icon it will be switched back on again.
I will try the addition to the data file.
Dublin Ireland