When i try to configure setting.php see the message i have:
Warning : Undefined array key “REMOTE_HOST” in C:\xampp\htdocs\aatr\Settings.php on line 35
Any idea what it mean ?
Sorry for my bad English…i do my best !
When i try to configure setting.php see the message i have:
Warning : Undefined array key “REMOTE_HOST” in C:\xampp\htdocs\aatr\Settings.php on line 35
Any idea what it mean ?
Sorry for my bad English…i do my best !
You may be using an old version of Settings.php – I suggest getting a new copy and transfer your settings from the old to the new.
What template are we talking about? Settings.php for the Saratoga template or PWS Dashboard has nothing like this at line 35. . .
The really old Settings.php from the WD-Canada-ML template did have
# Automatic Info we might need
# Sitewide configuration
as lines 32-40 in Settings.php.
The V3 templates (Base-Canada) put that at the end of Settings.php with tests to make sure the server is offering up those values
# Automatic Info we might need
$SITE['remote'] = "onclick=\"window.open(this.href,'_blank');return false;\"";
$SITE['PHPversion'] = phpversion();
My guess is that his site was originally a WD-Canada-ML V2 site that has been partially updated to Base-Canada V3 over time, but the newer Settings.php wasn’t done.
Could you tell me where to get Canada-ML V3 ?
Thank you
Download of Base-Canada V3 available at Saratoga-Weather.org - Website Templates - AJAX/PHP
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