I am trying to put a semi-transparent bar behind the text I have added in 3rd Party Webcam Setup. I thought I might be able to do it in the “bitmap overlay with alternative method” section, but nothing in there seems to work. The size slider works, but none of the other check boxes or buttons in that section respond to any mouse clicks. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
are we talking about webcam in WD or another program (eg YAWCAM) if so what program
It’s the “Web Cam Image”/“Setup image settings for other web cam capture software image” options within WD.
No I have looked and I don’t use that section. The only bit i have used is the shape option at the top and that part works fine
Just for grins, would you mind going into that section and clicking a few checkboxes or trying to input some numbers? I’m curious if the whole section doesn’t actually do anything or if something is janky with my system.