I’ve nothing found in for those data at wdfulldata.htm and I need that:
Year to date:
max temp celsius, min temp celsius, max humidity, min humidity, max barometer, min barometer, max gust, max dexpoint and min dewpoint. I guess there are no variables defined or specified in wdfulldata?
It would be also usefull to have variables for max rainrate/min for the last 24 hours, month to date and year to date.
On the other side, if time is in 24 hour format, AM/PM is also displayed.
Maybe I’ve not found the correct variables… can someone help? Thanks!
most of the tags you are looking for may be in this list??
for current year to date:
%yrecordhightemp%…All time record high temperature
%yrecordlowtemp%…All time record low temperature
%yrecordwindgust%…All time record high wind gust
%yrecordwindspeed%…All time record high average speed
%yrecorddailyrain%…All time record daily rain
%yrecordlowchill%…All time record low windchill
%yrecordlowchillhour%…All time record low windchill, hour
%yrecordlowchillminute%…All time record low windchill, minute
%yrecordhighbaro%…All time record high barometer
%yrecordlowbaro%…All time record low barometer
I don’t think there are any tags for year to date dew point (Punto de roc
%yrecordhightemp%…All time record high temperature
%yrecordlowtemp%…All time record low temperature
Is that right, that the “all time” records are concerning only “year to date”? If yes, the problem is solved! My records are not very old, so I cannot find this out, but I need to know this to release a template to other meteoclimatic-WD users that should not be changed in the future.
There are now only 2 pairs missing to match the template from meteoclimatic (see http://www.casacota.net/meteo/wx4.html): the year to date max and min humidity and year to date max and min dewpoint (in C
I have another related problem with these tags: the results are displaying also the units, and are unsuitable for the robots that collect the data.
Eg: http://casacota.net/meteo/wxlocal3.html produces http://casacota.net/meteo/wx3.html , with the units, and also the time format in 24 hr. format has AM/PM…