Scheduling not working at Setup CWOP/APRS

I’ve been having no luck with the scheduled sending of APRSWXNET reports to the internet with the last couple of WDisplay versions, back to somewhere around vers 9.93. I’m up to WDisplay 9.94d now. I’ve tried uninstalling WDisplay and then re-installing it. View,Program error log shows nothing.
I can send the report manually by clicking on TEST on the “Setup CWOP/APRS” page, but the scheduled reports aren’t working for me any more.

I’ve resorted to sending with APRS over the radio until I can get this sorted. Using WDisplay to produce the WXNOW.TXT file for use by APRS software is still working fine.
On that webpage, my WDisplay data packets can be recognized by their “ToCall” address of “APRS”.
When I’m actually using APRS software instead of WDisplay to send the Wx data packet to, the ToCall then shows as either APS221 (APRS+StreetAtlas 2.21) or APW272 (WinAPRS 2.7.2) or APU25H (UI-View32 1.97).

Also, somehow the sentence from WD has changed and WD is now adding a “.WD” to the end of the sentence. Here are a “before and after” couple of WDisplay reports from the internet.

For some reason, while “listening” to my station on the “Setup CWOP/APRS” page of WDisplay, the Humidity from my station now displays as 00% on that page. But I wouldn’t mind that if the internet updated according to schedule like it used to.

Any ideas?

Davis WMII on COM2/2400bps of Dell 8200 desktop, Pentium 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM running WindowsXPpro w/all MS critical updates accessing 1500kbpsDN/128kbpsUP ADSL router on 11Mbps home lan.

73, Cap KE6AFE

Hi Cap,

The extra “.WD” in the end of the APRS message is Weather-Display’s way of telling us which data logging application is creating the file. That way if we see a format error in the message, we can communicate with the developer directly and work things out.

Here’s some examples of other station’s APRS messages:

I have downloaded 9.94b had haven’t had any problems uploading to CWOP that I’ve noted. Maybe you should recheck your setup? Here’s a reference page:

Let me know if this helps,


Thanks DaveH. Yes, I assumed the .WD newly added at the end indicated WD was being used.
And thanks for the examples at the CWOP stations list. There’s the same list (my station is on it) for APRSWXNET stations at
I’ve checked my settings at the setup reference site you show too. Looks good. As I say, I can send the WX “manually” fine by clicking the TEST button on the “Setup CWQOP/APRS” page in WD. It’s the scheduling on that page that isn’t working for me (any more).
73, Cap

Hi Cap,

Do you otherwise upload a weather web page to your ISP on a scheduled basis? Maybe the “Main Internet Switch” needs to be “On” position on the “Connections” tab of the “FTP/Internet Setup” menu?


good suggestion…yes, the main internet switch needs to be ON, as well as the switch on the aprs setup page…
and you need to have ticked , on the connections setup, use weather display ftpupd.exe
but if you dont,i.e you are creating files locally and dont need to ftp them, then you need to have ticked, still use for all other…

That fixed it. Thanks for the solution Brian! Sending my scheduled packets to the APRS-IS (using only WXDisplay) started working normally as soon as I ticked
“Still use Ftpupd.exe for everything but normal uploads”
on the Setup FTP/Internet,Connections page.

73, Cap KE6AFE

thanks for providing me with the info you did, that makes it easier for me to pin it done
sometimes i get emailed:
you broke it
it doesnt work
fix it