Scheduled tweets not working

Hello, I have been a couple of days in which the scheduled tweets do not come out. I have revoked the authorization and when I try to connect to the application again by clicking test a tweet/authorize it does absolutely nothing. Any suggestion? Thanks

what happens if you try running the crontwittersetup.exe (and authorise via that)?
auto tweets are still working for me


Excuse me, I do not know such an application.

Could you inform me? Thanks

its included with the latest WD full install

but get it from here instead>

It is curious that although I have the latest version of the program installed, it did not have the utility that you mentioned. In this case, as indicated, I have downloaded the full version and there was crontwittersetup.exe. I have manually copied it to the folder where weather display was already installed. That has allowed me to recover the authorization, which I already told you before I had, but I deleted it because something was wrong. However the tweets still didn’t go out. Mysteriously since this morning they work again. I think there was some kind of error on twitter, because I have discussed it with other meteorology colleagues and the same thing happened to them. Fortunately the matter resolved. Thank you very much for your attention

Mine stopped yesterday as well and resumed this morning. This has happened a few times over the last few months. I say it is on the twitter end - maybe?