I’ve watched and watched the video about making animated satellite loops and I think I must be missing something. My download folder contains only the latest picture (which DOES update on my display).
I’m using the latest picture so the file don’t have any time coding in it:
The latest 600x600 image is placed in the download folder as sat.jpg. That works as you can see on my display. Here’s what’s missing (and it’s probably simple and I’m over looking it):On the video, a SERIES of jpg’s with incrementing file names is produced. THIS doesn’t happen with my setup.
My question is: What little trick am I missing to make this happen so I can make an animation loop?
Control Panel-> Web Cam → New All Day Video Setup. That’s where you can configure making the timestamped files into a mp4. You can see it on my site under ‘live data’ as ‘yard movie.’ Of course i am doing it to camera shots, but, as long as you are producing the timestamped files, it won’t care. Good luck.
Go to view…downloaded images. There ( if i remember correctly)you will see the option to make an animated loop. You can select the number of images that sequence contains.
I think you are missing the forest for the trees. Control Panel->Web Cam → New All Day Video Setup. Top button = Select web cam image file (e.g. jpgwebcam.jpg). Second button → Select directory to save time stamped files to. Third button->Select directory to save the video files to. Turn it on back on the first tab.
Hey Jim, that works and I now have time stamped satellite picture. All I have to do now is figure out how to slow down the production to every five minutes. Thank you so much for all your help!
I finally had to talk with Brian to see what way he was using. The better way is to do View–> Downloaded images. Open the file you want to have sequential images made. Make sure you have THREE boxes ticked:
Remember this file
Animate auto
Upload animated gif to my website (upper left)
I figured out a much better workaround. I am able to d/l an animated gif loop. I can then put that loop directly into WD’s display. I’m, a happy camper now!