Saratoga template - moon illumination gifs

I am trying to use the gif images for a updated page, but i am having trouble understanding the files illuminations correctly.

There are 30 gif files, from 0.gif to 29.gif

  • 0.gif and 29.gif seems to be identical (new moon)

  • 15.gif and 16.gif seems to be identical (full moon)

  • 8.gif is first quarter (90 degree)

  • 23.gif is last quarter (90 degree/270 degree)

The number of files from 0 -15 is 16
The number of files from 16 - 29 is 13
The number of files from 8 - 15 is 7
The number of files between 16 - 23 is 7

What exactly is the logic here, as i am struggeling to calculate when to use each file.

I have trouble with the logic, too, but the number of files should be:

Are you sure 15 and 16 are identical?

yep, its just bit different way of thinking… since gif.8 is first quarter, i count from the next file up to full moon.

i checked the file on a image comparison program, and the files mentioned are identical.

I would assume since the moon does not move around the earth in a perfect circle, that that is why the numbers dont match… or something like that…

I just thought that the number referred to the moon age in days, as calculated by Weather Display. . .

correct… the number is the moon ‘age’ in days since the last New Moon. 0 and 29 are the same since sometimes the ‘age’ rounds up from 28 to 29. No magic, it’s been that way with Weather-Display (and the template set since 2004) and the Bashewa mods used in the alternative dashboard also use that numbering.

and such a simple answer to something i have overcomplicated way way to much… :nerd_face:

thanks to both of you for clearing this up


But lookng at my webpage, and saratoga template, it correctly shows moon is in Waxing Gibbous. It is showing 67% illuminated, but gif image shown is 8.gif,a perfect half moon…

It did for me too, last night, but it seems to be correct this morning :confused: