About 10 years ago, I used to run Weather Display as a Windows Service under Windows 7. Now I am running Windows 11, and Weather Display has undergone many revisions, and I have a new Ecowitt Wittboy weather station. I have tried running Weather Display as a Service under Windows 11. I am not sure if the crongw1000.exe program that is required to obtain data from my Ecowitt Wittboy weather station is running under the service. However, it is not updating Wunderground with my data.
Is anyone running Weather Display as a Service under Windows 11? Any ideas on what I might try?
WD uses crongw1000.exe to create a file called gw1000.txt in the root folder for WD so check to see if this is being created, if it is being updated several times a minute then crongw1000.exe is running. I do not have the Wittboy so do not know if anything else is run to gather data as well but this would be the start IMHO. If that is being created are your WD log files being updated with new data?
Thank you for the reply. Your reply was incorrect, but it got me looking in the right direction. For the Wittboy, the file that is created by crongw1000.exe (and with the “wittboy” checked on the devices tab), it creates a file called Wittboy.txt, and that file is updating while running WD as a Process. However, the sentwudata.txt (Wunderground) and CWOPPlogsend.txt (CWOP) files are not updating when running WD as a Process (they work fine when running WD as an executable. Are there any special WD settings for the Publications?