I’m back after a bit of an absence. The station has weathered (pun intended) hurricane Francis, then Jeanne this summer and we thought Ivan was going to get us. Lost four large oak trees but the house was okay.
We lost power for 18 hours the first time, and about 36 hours the second time. We were away on a trip during Jeanne. The point of all this is that even thought my Linux box has about 86 minutes of battery power through the UPS to keep the box up, it obviously shut down when the batteries got to a certain point (I run APCupsd). The box came back up and Linux restarted, but with me about 4,000 miles away, I couldn’t restart WD remotely.
Since WD is not a deamon and apparently must run in an X window, I suppose there is no way of automatically having a script to kick everything off? I can do an SSH login, but I don’t think that even logged into a terminal screen I can invoke X and start the app.
I have run X remotely before using eXceed, but that is a whole bunch of overhead, and I think you lose the session when you log out.
I think, while maybe not entirely possible as of right now, I would love to see this program evolve into something where you dont have to run xwindows at all, ie: be a daemon in the background, collecting data and generating the graphs. I have cheap video cards, thus the graphics when captured look fuzzy and what not… I’m no expirenced programmer, but one day I think if this functionality were to exist, it would make alot of linux weather fans real excited about the project. I’m pretty unix savvy, and anything i can do to help i wouldnt mind helping in…
i can produce a “console” program
the problem is there is no form to place components on
i can inldude components to use in the uses , but i dont know how to hook in events…the compiler is object event driven…its not so easy when there is no visual objects to work with…its just not designed that way
but maybe someone on this forum knows more about it than i do
My server is run headerless, so I have the same problem. What I do is that I run my instance of WD in a VNC session. Now VNC in itself is not secure, so I gain access to my kit remotely by using a VPN.
It work, even on dial up VNC is ok, and it allows me the freedom to restart/upgrade WD from outside my home. However, it does keel over now and then, but that is probably my choice of Window manager more than anything else…
I’ll jump on this bandwagon. I’m replacing VWS at our Yacht club with Weather Display as it is easier to adminstor remotely. When then use the Apache web server to display the required data.
My wx station is a dedicated PC that I seldom look at except to fix WD. I only use the web to view my station. Maybe other WD users, particularly those on Linux, do this too… that is, use WD more as a server than a application.
On Linux I would think that WD would be best run as a daemon. The output of this daemon would be entirely html. Configuration would be done by editing text based configuration files or, better yet, through a web interface. This approach would make WD a better server and would allow users like myself to run headless and without the need for X11 or VNC.
I too would like to add my voice to those asking for WD to be elevated to daemon status. I must admit I am not now a user but would be if 2 issues for the Linux version were fixed. This is one, and 1 wire support. I will start another thread on 1 wire.
I am new to Linux and have soo much to learn but am eager to get going.
At present I am woorking with a SUSE 9.2 box with a fairly slow Athlon CPU (900) if memory serves. I want to use it for WD / WD live and as a file server for both WIN and Linux systems. I would like to see the same (= better) capabilities for Linux.
You should check in /etc/rc.d dir.
There you find all sort of startup/shutdown scripts
I slackware there is a rc.local, to which you can add all sort of ‘own’ created or wanted programs to start at boot time.