Running as Service

At our office we have WD running on a Windows 2003 Server. The instrument package is a Wireless Davis ISS (Integrated Sensor Stuff) sending to a Davis Weather Envoy with a Datalogger.

If I set the server function in WD and then click the “Run as an NT service” option, will WD continue to record data when I log-off the server? Will it automatically start if the server re-boots?

Can I set up a second copy of WD as a client on the LAN and have it access the service running on the server and change configuration settings, etc?

I know I can play around for a few days and get to the bottom of this, but I was hoping someone might have already tried it and be in a position to spare me needless trial and error.

I’m not sure about the service question…I had a feeling that Brian had said it was intended for NT/W2K and that it didn’t work on more recent versions of Windows, e.g. XP and W2K3.

You can run WD in client mode. There’s a FAQ explaining what to do at…

There have been problems getting WD to run as a service. Have a look at this thread for a solution though -


Thank you very much, Julian. I am familiar with srvany and have heard of Firedaemon. Will try those avenues next. Thanks again.

Has anyone had any experience with the second part of my question? To repeat: can a WD program running as a client in client/server mode be configured in such a way that it can change any of the settings/options on the server version of WD?

Sorry…I didn’t read the question well enough :oops:

I believe most can. I’ve got two different clients running and have different things on the graph, colors, temps etc.

[quote author=daveq]I believe most can.

[quote author=nikoshepherd