RSS or XML feed from the new forum

If you use a RSS or XML feed reader, you can keep up to date with the new forum by linking to URL’s like:;sa=news;type=rss;action=.xml;limit=10

‘type=rss’ provides a RSS 0.92 feed. ‘type=rss2’ provides a RSS 2.0 feed. If you omit the ‘type’ option, you get a non-RSS XML feed…

By default you’ll get the last 5 entries returned or if you add ‘limit=nnn’ you can get more or less rows returned. Don’t go mad though, otherwise you’ll use up all my bandwidth!

If you leave out ‘board=nnn’, you’ll get the last 5 posted items on the entire system, or you can use the following board numbers, e.g. board=NNN, to limit which boards you see updates for:

[b]Board Name[/b][b]Board Number[/b]
Test Forum3
Bug Reports4
Feature Suggestions5
For Sale11
Weather Web Sites12
Weather Station Siting & Setup Tips14
Weather Station Equipment16
Archived Feature Suggestions17
Archived Bug Reports18
HOWTO's and Hints & Tips19
Archived Chatter22
Archived Questions20
Linux Weather Display21
Weather-Watch Domain Redirection Service23
Freaky Weather24
Weather Display Live26
Weather Display Live Configuration28
Creating Weather Web Sites29

Have fun :smiley: