[Resolved] Real time clientraw FTP stops at 299 every time

Hi Brian, since at least the latest update, b138, not sure if it goes back any, my clientraw FTP stops at 299, I’m referring to the counter in the top right corner, it then stops working at says something about a restart timer started.

I’ve just restarted it so I’m waiting for it to hit 299 again for the exact message. sometimes it will restart again, other times I have to do it myself by hitting reset, so far, if I have it open it seems to restart on its own, normally it is hidden and when I noticed my sites not updating, I open it up to see it as you see the image enclosed, that’s when I will hit the reset

I am using WLL and a GW1100 for the lightning and AQ sensors on windows 10…

image enclosed

What do you have the restart/reset time set to and what is your clientraw upload timings
it should restart whether open or hidden
in your case when the counter reaches 299 it initiates the restart/reset so if i read you correctly the restart fails when the clientrawftp is hidden

Hi, thanks for the reply, It was set to 5 minutes, i rarely need to touch that side of things thus completely forgot about settings for restarting it, its now set to 30 minutes.

I have it set to 2 second updates as i have had since 2016, granted, when theres a dead calm liek there is now, 2 seconds is a tad overkill, but not so much when there is any wind, whils the Davis updates the wind every 2.6 or .7 seconds, every 2 seconds works, thats what it shows on my sites, every update shows a new speed unless the speed is the same as the prior update of course.

I now dont think its a case of failing completely, i think it does finally restart after X amount of time certainly longer than a minute in some cases, how long that is, i have no idea, also, it must have just been a fluke when i had it open and it was running ok because ive come to realise now that it doesnt always stall when closed.

The computer reboots completely once a week, i did have that at twice a week and i changed it a short while ago, certainly before i noticed this but i am fairly confident its not that because i changed that about 1 to 2 months ago maybe a little longer, this issue ive only noticed this last week, the only thing i can think of that is new is updating WD.

How long should it take to restart the realtimeftp from the time hit its the 5, 10 or 30 minutes please?

I will see how things go now that ive changed it to 30 minutes, maybe i wont notice the stall as much :slight_smile:

there has been no change to the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program since june 2021
so its not related to a recent update of WD I would suggest

I’ve no idea, but in my case it’s about 7 minutes, which is why I upload another copy of clientraw.txt, customclientraw.txt and customtextout.txt every minute using general FTP. . . Belt and braces :slight_smile:

the other issue is that its likely you have a conflict
i,e set to have the clientrawextra set to send every 5 mins but also have set to reset in general every 5 minutes

As a matter of interest, Brian, why do we have a setting for “Restart/Reset Interval” at all? My ISP allows 24/7 FTP access but I can’t turn off the restart/reset setting. . .

I can see the value of the “Kill process and restart if failed uploads” setting, in case uploading is interrupted, but not the forced restart/reset.

i for one rely on this option for when the connection spits the dummy which mine does on odd occasions

FTP is not perfect, things do go wrong

Thanks for the replies guys, 7 minutes, now that would kinda make sense 7 minutes every 5 minutes, the odds on me seeing the stall is quite high but, why only notice it just recently? Anyway, some good news, since changing it to every 30 minutes reset, i have not noticed the stalling but then I did also slightly change the customclientraw for the steelgauges from 3s to 2s and left that upload at 3 seconds, just to see, so not sure if it was the 30 min change or the custom update change, either way, it seems to be running smoothly again, I tend to agree with the conflict idea as i see 2 other wee issues elsewhere.

Tis a little perplexing though as i didnt change anything in there for a good few years. Perhaps it was because i had turned off a few things of late becuase WD was taking far too long at the top of the minute, it was around 16s sometimes up to 30+ seconds, i think i killed Windy, windfinder and PWS, but i did turn PWS back on and its now down to 9s not sure on the big one, at a guess perhaps about 15s…

…Oh, i did tidy up the Downloads, reduced that down to 1 out of 3 setups so save about 10 there and the General FTP functions, i managed to clear 1 out of the 3 setups in there, that reduced the amount of uploads from about 15 to i think about 7 and 1 of those is at 23:59

Those switches and tidyups were all done prior to the issue though.

Perhaps its a Windows thing, it had done an update on the 8 of Feb even thoguh i have auto updates turned off, i must have allowed it through, but still, the 8th of Feb is too long ago, the issue was much more recent, sorry, im thinking more to myself here than out else lol, as it appears to be working ok, i will mark it as resolved

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