Replacement for WD?

Any suggestions for a replacement for Weather Display? I can’t get into settings to change the ftp information, WD freezes up every time I try. I looked at July2023.htm today, it stops at july 23, doesn’t show the rain we got for the month. I cant explain why when WD reboots the computer, it asks for my pin when it restarts. If I reboot the computer, it doesn’t lock…

Have you tried cumulus?

What version of WD are you using? It’s always good to have the latest. WD errors often occur if the program shuts down when it’s writing a file. I found that most often happened when a Windows update occurred and my PC rebooted with WD running. So now, I have Windows updates set to the maximum “Pause Updates for 5 weeks” and I manually run the updates weekly (sometimes biweekly) after I have saved the WD ini and reg files and have shutdown WD. It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s only a few minutes per week or every other week and I haven’t had a WD issue since I started this process.

As for the July.htm stopping on Jul 23, WD probably shutdown unexpectedly and corrupted the log file, C:/wdisplay/logfiles/72023lg.txt. Often, the log file will have duplicate rows of data or data out of order. You can check the log file using Stuart’s tool at WD Log Checker ( It should find the corrupt data that you can edit out with a text editor and then replace the file. Hopefully this info helps.

You can manually edit the settings files WD uses…wdisplay.ini and wdisplayftp.reg found in your wdisplay/databackup folder.

I have looked though the .ini, ftp files looking for the ftp setting. Updated today and noticed there were a lot of .dil file with sequential version numbers. I uninstalled WS, deleted everything but the .ini and .txt, .reg files. downloaded the newest wdxx.exe and reinstalled. Still freezes up when I click on control pannel, ftp and WD instantly freezes up and wont respond you have to use task manager to close it. I used to think it was computer I had, I replaced it with my office computer an I5 intel, 32 gigs memory, 1 tb ssid , its not the computer because WD still acts the same.

I suspect that something in your setting is causing this but you need to try a second instant on the computer you’ll have to search on how to set that up
Failing that copy the ini and ftp reg files or run the manual backup of the setting files and then delete the wdisplayftp section from the registry and remove the ini file from the main WD folder that should allow a fresh start and if you can get in to the parts that were not working that would confirm that something in your settings is causing the problem
Now with WD not running copy your ini file back to the main WD folder and try running again if everything still accessible then some thing in your ftp reg file was causing the problem

If you have settings files from before July 23rd you could try using them…

tried that and then WD said it was unregistred and would not take my registration information. So I copied the ini files then it said it was registured but changed the FTP back. and now is not creating nothing but the base files. I got the configuration ftp, changed the password again and then it froze up. I decided I was tired of fighting with WD and am trying cumulusMX.

I’ve seen in other posts that is best to email Brian directly for WD support.

By default WD creates a monthly backup so you should have plenty of choices for how far back to restore your settings.