I followed the guide on this site but WD does not seem to load the data files. I set the location under misc options and clicked the two boxes to use the data but still nothing??? I am connecting to another computer by tcp/ip connection on a local LAN. the live data loads and that’s it.
i did a test by deleting the log files and datafiles on the client computer and WD did not make them again so it is connecting to the computer (I think).
any help please
also i set windows share to read only is this right because i want the data safe from being corrupted.
Please help me
There is an option to run client mode in an other machine but has nothing to do with options that you checked. Go in the ftp setup menu and you’ll find the server/client one machine runs the server where all the data and log files are and the other you run as a client, on the client machine choose any other com port but the one the station is connected. WD will find the IP address and should start showing what’s on the server.
This is the guide i followed Seeing the weather data on other Pc's on your LAN
i don’t see how setting up a FTP server will help. i can see the data file on the Weather Sever from the client computer but weather display will not load them.
in the setup, advanced/misc setup, you can set to read the data and logfiles (tick read only mode) and set the location for them (i.e on a lan to another version running)
set that up and then restart
Yep Done that and ticked the boxes but to restart WD do you just close it or is their another way?
It seems to me that even if sending to another machine even locally FTP does still have to be turned on… Not sure but I vaguely remember someone else having the same problem and Brian mentioning that FTP had to be enabled anyway?
bit of confusion here?
he wants to have the data/log files seen by a client version, that are produced by a server version, over a LAN, nothing to do with FTP?
to exit WD, go , exit, save and exit
at least that is what i think he is wanting to do
yep that is what i want to do and the files are shared over the network. So i dont think you need a FTP if i have access to the files??
Ok im starting to lose the plot!!!
I got the free weather display client and set the data files on the LAN conection and nothing happend BUT i conected thought my web server i use for work to view the weather station and it works i get the graph data(data files).
what the ***** is going on with the programes???
the network share is ok so it is not that unless i need to enable the option to alow other computers to edit the files but i dont see why it would need to in read-olny mode.