I have not forgoten
but i have been so so busy
but i am slowly getting on tops of things now, so, soon!
same problems also with revA Davis datalogger
now that i have the big school fundraiser finished, and its also now the school holidays, I will have more time to look into this and hopefully improve/fix
I see you are still using an older version of wd iceman on your weather page though?
i have done investigating and some testing
and I think I have found and improved this problem
I am uploading a new 10.10 L version now
It will be ready in another 2 or 3 hours from now, for you to try
I have tried Rl 10.10L but there is still the same problem.
If I use Rl. 9.68x, max and min temp. values are correctly displayed.
I have noticed that values on log file are correct.
Brian , but the language selected should be the cause of this problem???
In english not and in another language yes?
Scusami Valledeilaghi tu usi la 9.68 e ti funziona lo scarico dal Datalogger?
Che tipo di davis hai?
Io il problema c’
I am using Davis Vantage Pro with dataloger revA
Before and up to WD 9.68x min and max temp aules are corrected displayed.
So I use still this release.
Iceman, uso la stessa tua stazione solo con il dataloggere revA.
Non ho avuto problemi di aggiornamento fino alla versione 9.68.
poi sono cominciati i problemi, le ho provate tutte ma senza successo.
L’idea che mi sono fatto e’ che i valori siano correttamente aggiornati, come da files di log, ma subito sovrascritti da altri dati a caso.
i have done testing, and i have even stepped through the code
and the latest version does check and then set the maximum /min data from the extracted data…
10.10m is ready now, try that…
No Brian with the 10.10 m still doesn’t work.
please describe what eactly is not working?
is it that its not setting/resetting the high temperature /low temperature for the day?
i just did a test (i reset the daily extremes first)
then extracted 12 hours of data
and the maximum temperature and the minimum temperature are set correctly
and the time of maximum temperature was set correctly too
BUT the time of minumum temperature was not set (but restarting wd and it is displayes, and the daily hi/low baro, etc, shows the correct daily hi/lo temperature and the time they occured at as well
Hi all,
I have tested last rel.
= for me…
Brian we wait for your solve…
i tested from 7am to 7pm
i.e i did not test an extraction overnight.
i.e , yes, it might be that the midnight reset is not done correct
I will check that next.
i just did another test
works perfectly
it reset the max/min temperature at midnight
i,.e this was under view, program error log:
Resetting wind/temperature daily value , day: 15
Resetting rain daily value , day: 15
and sure enough the minimum temperature was 2:59am and the maximum temperature was at the time of doing the data extraction, i.e 11:15am
works OK for me
so , maybe, its a regional time/date setting thing (for europe)in windows regional settings setup, that is the problem?
Hi, Brian
I have found something … part of my wdisplay.ini file
[New maximum temperature]
this value is shown in “Daily Max temp” form, is correct ?
[New minimum temperature]
this value is shown in “Daily Min temp form”, is correct ?
[Daily high temperature]
this value is the REAL and CORRECT value.
the first lot of data only gets updated to the ini file every 10 minutes…maybe that explains that?
and the 2nd lot of data is for the daily hi/lo data (i.e click on the thermometer under view )
Valle dei laghi visto che bazzichi l’inglese meglio di me confido sul tuo colloquio con windy per la risoluzione del problema
Mi sa che non ne veniamo a capo.
Voglio, prima di ulteriori discorsi, installare una versione “pulita”
di WD su un’altro Pc settando tutto in modalit