Hi bitsostring, do you know how one would be able to set that background image to refresh every X seconds, please?
Hadn’t thought about that #-o
The actual image file is refreshed every minute because it’s the one I use for my PWS dashboard webcam, but of course the Simple background doesn’t refresh unless you refresh the page. . .
Yeah, the image I am using auto updates every minute, at present I am using action tiles and that has an auto refresh, problem there is is flashes white when it refreshes, bit annoying, I will have a search on the met tomorrow see if I can come up with sommat
I found these on the WWW but neither work or I’ve got the URL wrong or sommat, any thoughts?
header("Refresh: 1; URL=$simple.php");
Seems like overkill to refresh the whole page?
Theres 2 different versions there as seen here but i cant get either to work, if it worked I’d have been happy with it. Just seemed far simpler to look for a way to auto refresh the page than to do just the image itself.
Figured it out, i had it placed in the section around line #84 where all the header stuff is, so i added the little bit of code (below) on line #15 set to 60 seconds, works great, I’m using the forecasticonnew.jpg this giving me the actual current conditions for the background as seen [i][b][color=orange]here[/color][/b][/i].
In which script, simple.php?
In simple.php
Yes, it works there, but as my image is defined in _data.php
$body_image = '../out1.jpg'; # comment this line if no background image required
if (isset ($body_image) && $body_image <> '' && file_exists($body_image) )
{ $weather['body_image'] = $body_image; }
I thought I’d try it there. . .
Works fine, with (I think) less disruption
Yeah, that’s where my image is defined but it didn’t refresh the image automatically, you still have to refresh the page to see the change, i also don’t see a timer there either?
Thats why i added the wee snippet to simple.php, its most definitely the wrong way to do it but its the only way i could find that was simple enough to do, of course, having it change using ajax is also easy enough to do but the way i would do it would be to hack code form elsewhere, that would also mean more lines of code cause i don’t know what I’m doing its working and i do not notice it change either, not on the tablet, if i watch it on the laptop browser, all i can see is the favicon refresh, nothing else is noticeable unless the image has changed of course…
My webcam image file out1.jpg is updated every minute and my Simple $reloadTime = 20, so “Refresh:65” allows time for any data change flashtime and ensures a new $weather[‘body_image’].
How often is your forecasticonnew.jpg updated?
I agree it’s a crude way to do it, but it works
So there is another refresh/reload for the background image?
My data refreshes every 2 seconds, I didn’t know there was another reload? My forecasticonnew.jpg updates every minute but I can only set it to upload every 5 minutes, I need to find an app that will upload for me, all my options in wd are used up lol.
I am looking to do this myself now that I have set a jpg refreshing webcam up
I’ve got to be honest, this thread has got me a bit confused.
If someone can confirm the “best way to do this” from what has been shared I’d be grateful!
@bitofstring helped be put my current background image on my simple view dash so is it just a case of replacing that URL and adding some kind of refresh? Or does the 30 secs data refresh take care of that anyway?
My simple site: Lower Sheering WX
My main site: Lower Sheering Home Weather Station (wu version)
It was this
However Im still not sure about getting the image to refresh every 30 secs like that data
I just added header(“Refresh:60”); on about line 15 of simple.php
That refreshes the page every 60 seconds, does the job for me
I can try to explain what I did. . .
My webcam image out1.jpg is uploaded every 60 secs, and overwrites the previous image.
I defined the image to use in _data.php, as described before:
$body_image = '../out1.jpg'; # comment this line if no background image required
- I added a new line 26 to _data.php (immediately after the routine to save loaded scripts):
The 65 secs allows for any data change flashtime and makes sure you do get a new image.
The normal AJAX data refresh won’t do it.
Whether it is the “best way” or not I don’t know
I’ve got the image itself working ok, but not the refresh
Do you mean go from this:
# -------------------save list of loaded scrips;
if (!isset ($stck_lst) ) {$stck_lst = '';}
$stck_lst .= basename(__FILE__).' ('.__LINE__.') version =>'.$scrpt_vrsn_dt.PHP_EOL;
$from_dir = getcwd().'/'; # echo 'from_dir = '.$from_dir . PHP_EOL;
To this:
# -------------------save list of loaded scrips;
if (!isset ($stck_lst) ) {$stck_lst = '';}
$stck_lst .= basename(__FILE__).' ('.__LINE__.') version =>'.$scrpt_vrsn_dt.PHP_EOL;
$from_dir = getcwd().'/'; # echo 'from_dir = '.$from_dir . PHP_EOL;
Yes, but put a semicolon at the end of the new line.
Awesome thanks for helping
Now changed so will keep an eye on it