Recovering Configuration

I installed 1037R B26 yesterday and all seemed well. However, programme or computer crashed in the night and whilst WD starts it has lost its configuration.

I have run back-ups previously but I am struggling to find how to re-load the configuration. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

Thank you

First, make sure all parts of Weather Display are closed.

Go into the wdisplay program folder, look for a folder called “databackup”, in there you should find “”.
Un-zip the folder and look for a file called “WDISPLAY.INI”, copy this file and paste it into the main wdisplay directory to replace the corrupted one.

Now re-start WD and all should be OK.


Good addition to the FAQs :slight_smile:



Well, it’s been asked a few times now so I thought an FAQ would be helpful. :smiley:

thanks for that addition there Budgie!

Many thanks - problem sorted