Realtime Graph

Why is my realtime graph updating every 10 seconds(the screen refreshes every 10 seconds…) instead of one?
Weatherstation: Campbell Scientific CR1000

try the latest .zip update

Solved thanks alot.
But when i select/set to Just plot the barometer, the humidity and Dew point are plotted to…
I see the solar realtime graph isnt updating at all (under view, solar/et/uv realtime graph )

the winddirection value isnt changing (circled in red in the pic), while the winddirection graph is updating fine…

I see the solar realtime graph isnt updating at all
when you say not updating, how do you mean exactly? (screen shot?)

like in te pic below, it isnt updating every second (graph and value), but more like every 1 or 2 or more minutes…
the same issue as the other graph mentioned above (wich is solved now).

the graph line you will find will update
and the data on the right will update as you move the mouse cursor over the line
but the actual data will only update when you go to view that screen
or when its set to update to a web page

as the solar data generally is not important for fast updating like normal weather data is
(windspeed/direction )
(and most weather station types it only updates every minute)

I have fixed the wind direction value on the real time graph update rate in build 7

is it possible to have the realtime screens mentioned above to resize the screen (bigger)?
and how can i adjust the time scale beneath the graphs? so i can have more data in the graph…

if you set a lower update rate (e.g every 60 seconds) you can have more data showing

re larger size:
it really gets to the stage that what people want for endless customisation gets beyond the one off life time cost of only 60$US

You can look at it like this:

For 60 $ you get a lot of options, other companies with the same options ask big $$$$$$
Thats in your advantage yes? :smiley:

Is it possible to have the realtime graph (mentioned above) shown on my wd mainscreen?

you can set to show real time wind and temperature graphs on the main screen
I have a youtube video on how to do that

That’s a bit Limited, the possibility of all weather sensors to choose from would be nice. …

I am never going to please everyone all the time