RE: Averages and Extremes, NOAA style report and Detailed Climate Report

First on all of the 3 reports mentioned in the subject, How can I change the base temperature for degree days from 64 degrees to 65?

On the detailed climate report for significant conditions could an option be added for strong winds let’s say a threshold of gale force/35 kts or greater?
Also on this report could a column be added indicating the days maximum UV index value?

Likewise could hours of sunshine and max UV be added to all of the reports. I would assume there is a tag for doing this or that one could create a custom tag; however on the detailed climate report this would mean adding another column?

Thank you in advance for whatever help can be offered.

How can I change the base temperature for degree days from 64 degrees to 65?
see under view, av/ext, bottom right, you can change the heating degree day offset (its in C)
On the detailed climate report for significant conditions could an option be added for strong winds let's say a threshold of gale force/35 kts or greater?
its already available...just not user set its based on the standard gale average windspeed (I get it showing here as I get gales every month)

you can add sunshine hours and max UV to the detailed climate report

or download from
(then rename as climatedata.html in the WD webfiles folder)


Awesome thank you again for your help.

I have included climatedatasolaruv.html in the install files now :wink:

Awesome! Thank you.