Raspberry Pi display for school

I am wondering if anyone has made a Raspberry Pi unit that reads a clientraw file and displays the information on a screen for schools. I want to make a couple and donate to local primary schools.

although a bit basic, the WDPI program that comes with consolewd reads the clientraw.txt file and displays it and graphs the data (i.e a GUI program)

Install a web server onto the Pi and run FreshWDL.

HOWTO: Install FreshWDL on your Weather Raspberry Pi has most of the details but it’s intended for running FreshWDL on a Pi that’s collecting data from your weather station, i.e. running consolewd. You just need to change the setup so that FreshWDL can access the clientraw.txt files that you want to use. Probably the easiest way is to run another script to grab the files each time they change and put them somewhere on the Pi for FreshWDL to access them. You might be able to adapt HOWTO: Secure data transfer from consolewd to web server to sync the files. That’s intended to move files from the consolewd Pi to a remote server but the process should be possible the other way round.

Just make sure to set everything to auto-start so that when they reboot it everything goes back to normal.

If you’re looking to use a LCD display connected to the Pi to display the info then this case is good (I have one). It’s fairly expensive though by the time you’ve got the Pi, display and case but looks good and it’s pretty robust, although doesn’t protect the screen from damage because it’s intended for use with a touchscreen.

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