The rainfall reported by WD doesn’t seem to match what’s generated by my weatherstation, or reported in the debug file.
For example, in the last 10 minutes, WD has incremented 1mm, but the weatherstation incremented 3.2mm. I’d use an offset, but the error doesn’t seem to be a consistent %.
Any clues on what to check? I’ve upgraded to the latest build but that hasn’t changed anything.
The weatherstation is a Weather Maestro. It could have been doing this for a long time, just noticed it recently because I was cross-checking a friend’s station.
Here’s a sample from the debug file - looks like it’s being read correctly.
raw data →
5 "Rain Gauge " (RG12): +000000.20 mm
← end
**rain decode +000000.20 mm
**rain decode2 ->+000000.20<-
#13 found 63