Rain Update Problem

Ain’t that the truth!

I reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled XP this morning. Thankfully, all went well. I have pretty much restored all my email, etc, without a problem. I downloaded WD and it seems to be working well thus far. For the first time, my screen actually shows the indoor temperature, which it didn’t before for some strange reason. Additionally, WD now quickly “sees” my weather station and starts downloading data. I went in and updated my monthly rain totals and the main screen is accurate, except the yearly amount is wrong. I’ll wait for a day or so to let the program update everything, then see if I can fix the yearly amount.

It will be a long while before I put Vista back on this computer . . .


That’s all good news Dr Bob! Can you update your profile in here (Profile button, then left hand side menu) to share your Ultimeter model and your location and your website… it helps later on trying to helkp solve other issues… :wink:

Happy weather watching!!


I believe the rain rate is stored in the windows registry and needs to be updated there.

please advise what to do…where in Windows registry?
I am really bad in this…

ii hope I’m not beating a dead horse but I’m having the same problem mentioned here and would like to hear about the solution. i was using Vista but switched to Windows 7.

I am getting rain totals and they are carried over for the week and month but I’m sure they are not correct as we had a real gully washer this past week and the daily total was 0.07" and the daily local paper said we got nearly 2".

A solution please.


It would probably have been less confusing if you posted a reply in your current thread on this subject rather than re-awakening this two year old one.