Quick question: manually setting daily values


I’ve been having some probs with the daily reset not happening at midnight. I’m not sure if it’s WD or the old laptop WD is running on.

In any event, when I have to do a manual reset I’d like to be able to go back in and correct the values that are not right for historical data integrity. I know how to set the rain values, if any, but I don’t find where I can manually set the daily Hi/Lo values, wind gusts, etc.

Can you point me in the right menu please?


action, reset daily extreme values
and there you can set some of the values…

Right, but you cannot specify the time, so for example, it looks like the low for the day happened at [whenever I manually reset the daily data, in today’s case, about 11am] rather than 7am (when it did).

Is there some other way to get the data right? I don’t mind editing the log files or something.

in the wdisplay.ini file:

[Extreme conditions times]
Min temp=

change that setting :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian. All happy now. :slight_smile: