Question about solar and hours of sunshine

I have a WS2510 station with solar sensor. I was wondering how I can get WD to show the sunshine hours. It always seems to be on 0 even when at 100%. It graphs fine just I can’t figure out how to get the sunshine hours to read anything but 0. Any tips would be appreciated. :smiley:

under setup, solar setup, do you have the switch ON there?
any is your lat/long set correct in the sun rise/set setup?
and also tick, use max solar for lat/long
and also tick, store solar as extra temp 4 for graphing… and then you can have it graph on the main screen too (see under grpah setup)

check all of that…

i.e when the solar % is above the bright sunshine threshold, wd starts adding sunshine hours
but there might be some problem with the fact the ws2500 only gets data every 15 minuters (console)…so i will check/test that

uploading 10.16r which get sunshine hours working for a ws2500

:smiley: Hey, thanks for the help. I’ll get that version downloaded. :D/