PWSwd max-min temp question

I am running version 2012_lts. Sometimes (which is another question I gotta figure out) when my server restarts on Weather display it seems to loose my settings, and I have to reset everything. My question is about PWSwd on the max-min temp question. I seem to loose historical data there and I do not know why or how to fix it. This nice information to have and I’d like to know how to fix it.

When you first posted the max-min temps of 212°F and -148°F I saw are default values in clientraw.txt for max-min temp/hum and extratemp/extrahum in WD with no valid data: 100°C and -100°C.

Now your history seems to have corrected itself? I can see a July value, for instance.

a) What do you mean by “when my server restarts on Weather display”; and

b) Which settings do you lose and have to reset?

I was able to figure out the solution to correct the data using this thread.

To answer your question about “loosing settings”

This has happened twice. If anything with my USB ports gets changed around (I’m careful to make sure my USB-serial goes back into the same port for my weather station) it seems my weather display gets confused on which port to use. This causes me to go back into weather display pick the correct port and weather station. It wipes the settings out, then for whatever reason also the max-min weather data goes wonky.

Glad I was able to help :slight_smile:

To answer your question about "loosing settings"

This has happened twice. If anything with my USB ports gets changed around (I’m careful to make sure my USB-serial goes back into the same port for my weather station) it seems my weather display gets confused on which port to use. This causes me to go back into weather display pick the correct port and weather station. It wipes the settings out, then for whatever reason also the max-min weather data goes wonky.

Maybe you’d better put this bit of the query into the Weather Display section, I know nowt about ports :frowning: