pwsWD and Meteobridge realtime.txt setup problem

Hey you all.
After using WU for my weather data i thought is was time now to use my Meteobridge - nano.
Being busy the whole day i have to give up now because i think it is to difficult for me.
I tried everything and have been looking around for answers on this site but i think i have to stick with WU.
Maybe some of you can give me advice what to do or sees what i am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance

Qual’è il problema ?

Hi weerleidschedam,

You instructed MB to upload and give it a name realtimeMB.txt

The file is uploaded correctly

02/12/23 16:37:48 2.6 84 0.2 0.0 0.0 221 0.0 0.4 1016.9 SW 0 m/s C hPa mm - 1.5 0.6 1293.8 0.2 19.8 48 2.6 -0.1 3.3 13:02 -3.9 00:04 2.2 13:10 3.6 14:20 1016.9 16:36 1012.0 03:02 1.8.7 819 0.4 2.6 - - - - 226 0.2 - 1 0 SW 960 ft - 0.0 185 0

MB has given it the name you wanted to have it ! OK

Now you have to tell the dashboard were to find that file and what name it has.

Your main website folder has different names based on the way we access it.
From the outside world f.i. from your home to upload: the name is /public_html/
You used that name in your FTP settings.

From within the WWW world that same folder is addressed as ./
Therefor in easyweather → tab Data you type

That is all.

Thanks for including really all necessary information, that really helps!


Per la prima volta ho utilizzato “Google traduttore”

Benvenuto sul forum.

Un’osservazione fuori tema.

La lingua madre di questo forum è l’inglese.
Quando pubblichi, prova a scrivere testo in inglese.
Sebbene “Google Translate” possa aiutare a leggere il forum, non tradurrà la tua domanda.
Quindi anche le buone domande rimarranno senza risposta poiché la persona che riceve la tua domanda normalmente non capisce la tua lingua locale.

E per copiare e incollare i tuoi testi in una finestra “Google Translate”?
Chi lo farà?

For all of us:
Welcome on the forum.

An off-topic remark.

This forums native language is English.
When you post please try to write English text.
Although “Google Translate” can help to read the forum, it will not translate your question.
So even good questions will remain unanswered as the one who receive your question normally do not understand your local language.

And to copy paste your texts into a “Google Translate” window ?
Who will do that?

Much fun on the forum,
Molto divertente sul forum,

And same for extra sensors?

Mr Wim,

Thanks for your fast reply.
As you can see, i changed what you wrote me to do.
The website changed directly. Thanks for this. But, as you can see on the pictures, it will stay offline.
Is there something i have to change?
Tonight i will work on the extra sensors. Then i am complete and can i enjoy!

Thanks again and a Fijne Avond!

Normally the Meteobridge realtime.txt file has each value on a new line.
Same as for the old weatherlink PC program.
The template file for that can be downloaded from
→ “download for new users”
→ The downloads for the realtime.txt template files can be found here for Meteobridge

You are using a different realtime.txt file, normally used by Cumulus users.
So two solutions

  1. download the template file and instruct your Meteobridge to use that one
  2. or change line 1238 in PWS_livedata.php to not use a linefeed but a space.
    That line 1238 reads now
        {  $explode_char   = "\n";}

change that to

        {  $explode_char   = " ";}

Important, that is one space only

Your scripts are (very) old! F.i. your livedata script: PWS_livedata.php|01|2021-05-22
Most recent PWS_livedata.php|01|2023-10-31

Better run PWS_updates.php and apply all updates scripts if you are finished with your switch yo Meteobridge upload.


3 posts were split to a new topic: pwsWD extra sensors not OK, no earth quake data